Patchwork, quilt, appliqué

Patchwork is a popular type of needlework also nowadays. Its origin is rooted probably in poverty, anything should be reused if possible. The good parts of old, used clothes and household textiles were cut into pieces and sewn to each other again. They were used to make bedspreads and pillowcases.
The patches are cut in geometric shapes (triangle, square, pentagonal, hexagonal) for combining and joining them easily. The small pieces are sewn to bigger parts, so called blocks, these blocks are joined to create the ready product. There are variable formed patterns which have their own name (e.g. Ohio Star, Windmill, Log Cabin). The patterns and colors of the fabrics used give the real charm of the blankets.
The handmade old pieces are very valuable. Making patchwork became much more easy with the spread of sewing machines. It is so popular because it can be made anywhere, even when travelling on a bus. Many artifacts prove that mankind was doing similar recycling techniques throughout history. It really spread in the 18th-19th century thanks to the American settlers. It was a status symbol in the Victorian era, what quality of fabrics were used for making patchworks by women (they didn’t use old clothes) because purchasing printed cottons could be afforded only by the wealthy. Making patchwork became a hobby and a nice pastime after the World War II. Nowadays there are pattern books, starting kits and courses in the topic almost anywhere.
Quilt is a blanket which has three layers (top layer, filling, back side) and these are fixed to each other with decorating sewing (quilting). Sewing is done on the whole surface, this gives the pattern. The top layer can be a patchwork also. In this case, quilting is done to highlight the pattern of the patchwork.
The third patch-technique is appliqué. Cut fabric pieces are sewn on a fabric base with continuously turning their edges below. The pattern here is made not from geometrical shapes but is already cut out of the material of choice. This can be sewn only by hand, not by machine. This can be combined with the two previous techniques.
Some patchwork blankets can be perfect decoration elements in a bedroom or living room. If you would like to make/buy some showy pieces, ask for help of an interior designer for the choice.


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