Scents of our home

When guests arrive to our home, beyond the colors, forms and lights, the scents are the first they encounter even subconsciously. Because of this, our home should have a pleasant fragrance, not only a nice look. This is even more important when selling an apartment, because it depends on the first five seconds, if the potential buyer will have a good impression of the home or not. For this, scents are essential. With some simple tricks we can provide a delectable environment for ourselves.
Instead of artificial sprays and electric fragrance gadgets, let’s use the treasury of nature. The most simple solution is using natural, essential oils into the evaporators. We can choose from lots of scents, but the best are the light, fresh ones (e.g.: citrus, lavender), since they are concentrated and they shouldn’t be too dominant. In heating season, the peel of orange, tangerine or apple can be placed on top of the radiators. The result is less intensive, only the pleasant impression remains in guests. Fragrance candles can also act as visual decoration.
Our clothes will remain fresh out of season by inserting dried flowers, spices among them in small fabric bags. Cloves, cinnamon, lavender, rose, rosemary are great for this purpose. They keep the moths away also.
Just before the estate agent arrives with the potential buyer, let’s bake some sort of cake, even if only a few pieces. The fine scent (e.g.: cinnamon) will fill the home. According to scientific researches, as an effect of the fragrance of the cake, people will “fall in love” with the home much more easily.
Wherever we safely can, let’s place fresh flowers, both cut, or potted. Beyond the intensive scent of rose, lily and hyacinth, there will be no need for any other trick.
In the bathroom, let’s place a soap with intensive fragrance on a shelf, without its packaging. Even it’s not used, the scent will result a boudoir mood in the relatively humid environment.
Of course, these tricks don’t eliminate the need of regular cleaning and airing. There is no fragrance or scent that covers stale or musty air. If you plan to sell your real estate, consult with an interior designer for home staging before the potential buyers arrive.


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