
The carnival season starts at Epiphany and lasts to Ash Wednesday, its end is also a winter farewell. This is the traditional period of carnivals and masquerades. In Hungary, it’s used to be celebrated mostly in schools and kindergartens, but costume parties are more and more popular at the adults also. Let’s organize a light and funny evening for our friends in carnival spirit.
We can use many of the New Years scenery: caps, masks, serpentines. As the carnival is also about the cavalcade of colors, we can be quite daring in this topic. Let’s choose three powerful color hues and use it as a base of decoration. They can be e.g. deep purple, turquoise and lime green. The best if we purchase decorations made of shimmering material. Their concentrated effect can be compensated using white, black and silver colors. When having a masquerade party, we can ask our guests to wear the same, ambient colors in clothing (e.g.: white, black, gray), but their masks should reflect the above main colors. If the party will be a costume event, the complete costume should be designed with the given three colors regardless to the theme.
For this occasion, Swedish buffet fits the best. Sweet and salty snacks can be eaten while standing, they also can be decorated fitting the color scheme. Cookies can be colored by frosting or marzipan decorations. Sandwiches can be topped by lime slices, or butter crème roses tinted by food coloring. Napkins, straws and cocktail sticks are easy to be purchased in lots of different colors.
To plan and select the colors for a real elegant style of serving, ask for help from a style expert before sending out the invitations.


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