Color balance

In an interior, color balance is almost as important issue as the style itself. Generally there are three main colors that are chosen into the palette of a room. Of course all colors of the rainbow can be presented additionally (think of the books, the cavalcade of objects given as a souvenir), but the mood is determined by the main colors. For example, let’s see a classic combination: chocolate brown – light blue – cream.
If we use all of the three in the same rate, the result will not be significant, there will be no focus point and our look will go around in the room. But if we modify the rate, the overall view will be much better immediately.
This means in the case of a room, that three walls and the floor can be brown (even a different hue), the main wall is light blue and the accessories (e.g. curtain and decorations) can be cream. If we would like more neutral result, the walls and the carpet are cream, the curtain and the couch are blue or having blue patterns and the wooden furniture, picture frames are chocolate brown. In all cases, good idea to insert objects, that combines all the three colors (e.g.: cushion, vase)
When choosing our favourite colors, we should check if they fit to each other and their rates must be determined for the required effect. If you are uncertain, ask the help of an interior designer or color advisor. One or two hours of consultation can be fully enough.


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