
Old postcards 1.

Easter on old postcards


Easter eggs

Painting Easter eggs has a long tradition. Beyond the paints that can be brushed, there are pulver-state, water-soluble, so-called egg paints available. Let’s be creative! Our classic style home can be decorated lots of ways for the holydays.
Let’s use silk bands, stripes can be attached in different directions to the egg using glue. It’s not necessary to cover the whole surface. With its moderated shine, silk provides an elegant look to our Easter egg.
Lace also can be the material. Wide or narrow stripes are good as well, but a smaller, round cloth also can be used. This later can be sewed with similar color thread at the top of the egg. Attaching a ribbon, it can be hanged. Small pearl buttons can be fixed on it in any pattern. Perfect solution for vintage style.
Luxury effect can be reached using gold or silver smoke foil. Coat the egg’s surface with decoupage glue and fit the foil with a soft brush carefully. The texture will be even more interesting, if the gilding is not continuous, but covers the egg in patches. The egg should be painted to a bright color before. If we like shiny result, small pearls or glitter can be poured into the pattern painted from liquid glue.
If we would like to purchase the decoration instead of making it, there are eggs made of glass, gems, or porcelain available. These are perfectly fit into a classic interior. For the sake of children, don’t forget the pastel coloured, egg shaped candies, which can be served in an elegant glass tray to decorate the table itself.
Ask for help from an interior designer to prepare the perfect decoration harmonizing your home.


Door wreaths 3.

Spring door decors – even DIY


Easter preparations

Easter arrives soon. People usually decorate their homes for the holiday. What can we do if we have a classic style home and we would like to emphasize this elegance in the decoration as well?
Best solution are cut and potted flowers. Feel free to use the gifts of spring for decoration purposes: muscari, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths. Pots should be covered by fabric or paper harmonizing in color with the flower, or fits to the furniture with its classic pattern. Attach it with a bow tied silk ribbon even decorated with crystal pendant. Put smaller pots on the window sill, the mantel, the side of the coffe table or the unused space near the entrance on the floor.
Cut flowers, bud / flower branches, catkin should be inserted in decorative vase, which can be made of crystal or porcelain – which best fits to the room. Let’s tie brightly colored silk ribbons and white lace tapes to the branches, let’s hang egg-shaped gems on them, that can be selected by shape and color in the shop dealing with minerals. By this, we can produce a delicate view at low cost. A greater bouquet should be placed in the middle of the table, and in line with it, some shorter flowers along the whole size of the table. Not only vases can be used for this, but crystal glasses, smaller dishes only for flower blossoms, or even a jar covered by silk fabric. Under white plates, dish pads can be placed from flower patterned fabric, instead of napkin rings, flowers can be tied on textile napkins.
Table should be covered by white damask tablecloth, even with flower patterned. On this, some antique porcelain decorations can be placed that are associated to Easter: rabbit, egg, flower, bird, etc. Candles are also preferable. On a flat dish, colorful small cakes, decorated muffins and marzipan flowers can be served.
A professional interior designer can help to plan and realize the decoration best fitting to the home in a consultation taking 1-2 hours.



Spring is coming soon. The bright colors typical of the season can be brought in our home also – even all over the year.
If we look at a spring flower garden we can see that the several hues of bright green give the background for the vivid colors of the first flowers. Primrose yellow, fuchsia, white, bud-green, bright red and sky-blue are the most common. Any of them is impressive in a flat, how can they be showed together for the real spring mood?
The best solution for this is using white. It is a neutral background; the vivid colors can be harmonized with it. Let’s paint the walls white (or off-white), cover the larger furniture with white fabrics and choose a neutral and light floor covering if white will be too much for the latter. Use the jewelry-like colors for decoration and highlighting. Cushions, vases, pictures and carpets should be dazzling. Don’t forget the real, spring-like flowers also! Color and fragrance are the most important, the flat is filled even with cut or potted flowers. The big advantage of this interior is that it is easy to change because of the neutral background, if the composition is boring or it should be changed season by season.
Green can be the uniting color if we are brave enough or want to have this mood for a long term or just wish to follow the nature much more. Don’t be afraid of it, if it works in the nature, it will work in the flat also! Let’s paint the walls to a warm green shade, upholster some larger furniture with green or green patterned fabrics. In this case, choose a warmer mid-brown hue for the floor which can even symbolize the soil. Then use colors also on accessories and flower bouquets. Entering in such a room will make everyone smile.
Many people are afraid of bright colors, uncertain in using them in the case of their home. However, if you would like to feel the mood of your favorite flowers every day, ask for help of an interior designer for the proper composition.
