
Spring colors

Colors of spring in our home


Edible decoration 5.

Edible decorations for Whitsun


Flower decor

Spring flower decoration ideas


Easter table set

Create a pleasing Easter mood at the table by festive table settings


Flower decor

Simple but elegant decoration made of fresh spring flowers


Spring garden

The beauties of the spring garden


Natural egg dyes

Easter is coming soon, it’s time for painting eggs. Let’s use natural dyes instead of artificial paints available in shops. Several vegetables and fruits contain easy dissolving and intensive pigments.
Add water and the required natural pain in a cooking pot. Boil it for 30 minutes then remove it from the heat. Add salt and 20% vinegar. When it is room-temperature, put boiled eggs in it. It’s practical to choose eggs with white shell, hues will be much clearer. The intensity of the color can be a bit affected by the time the eggs soaking in the coloring water. If they are ready, take them out and let them dry on a grill. The process above has to be done every time a new color is desired.
Since natural dyes are more unpredictable than chemicals, prepare ourselves that we won’t get exactly the expected result. Colors of the eggs in the same dying are not always similar also. Here are some natural dying materials and the effect colors, without limitation:
Spinach, parsley – light green
Coffee – light brown
Peel of onion – light orange
Red cabbage – light blue
Blueberry – blue
Beetroot, peel of red onion – soft pink
Saffron, turmeric, carrot – yellow
Red vine – light purple
Colors achieved this way are less intensive than those by artificial paints to which we might be accustomed. These pastel shades will look good in interiors with almost any style.


Spring table set

Create a pleasing spring mood at the table by seasonal table settings


Outdoor Easter decor

DIY outdoor decoration ideas for Easter


Easter decor

DIY decoration ideas for Easter
