
Paint palette 6.

Sunshine, flowers, cheerful yellows


Color pairs 12.

Color pairs: green-yellow


Color pairs 9.

Color pairs: yellow-pink


Color pairs 5.

Color pairs: yellow-red


Color pairs 2.

Color pairs: yellow-orange



Yellow is considered to be the most happy color. One of the three basic color, its complementer is purple.
As a physiological effect, yellow decreases depression, increases brain activity and strengthens the neural system. Helps learning improving the concentration ability. We can associate on sunshine, gold and spring by it, therefore its presence makes us glad. In symbolism, yellow is the color of honour and loyalty, at the same time cowardice and envy is assigned to it. Combined with black, it is used for attention signs such as mother nature (e.g.: wasp, spotted salamander).
A warm color. Makes spaces shiny and warm. If there is not enough natural light, this problem can be solved with it. In design, combined with white it results a light, combined with brown it results a classic interior. With grey, the result will be elegant, with blue it gives   youthful effect. In a black and white interior, yellow is a perfect focus point on smaller accessories or furniture. Vivid hues of yellow are ideal for dining room or kitchen, while pale hues can be applied in any room. Fits correctly to country style. A very light hue of yellow is cream, which is popular and widely used.
Feng shui assigns yellow to ground element. The color of Jang, the masculin side and the  3. chakra (navel). In ancient China, only the emperor wore yellow, since it was a divine color. In Egypt, yellow is the color of mourning.
Yellow must be used carefully, since its vivid hues make the space stunning. It can be easily overdosed, so if you would like to create a tasteful yellow interior, ask help from a color advisor.
