

From all colors, blue is the most popular. Most people mention it as favorite color. Blue is an elementary color, its complementary is orange.
As a physiological effect, it decreases blood pressure and pulse. Calms, cools, makes you meditate and decreases appetite. We associate to sky, water, air by it – therefore it gives a light feeling. In symbolism, intelligence, loyalty, hope, truth, cleanness and heaven are associated to it. Helps to creativity and perspicacity.
Blue is a cold color. In interior design, its light tones increase the space, make the room ethereal. Dark hues provide seriousness, stability and value. Use the warmer hues in North oriented rooms, else it can be felt too rigid without direct sunlight. In case of any other orientation, it can be ideal color for bedroom, living room, bathroom, or even for hall. Since blue is not a food color, use carefully in dining room and kitchen. Combined with white, beige and brown, it results a classic, elegant interior. Otherwise it cannot be overdosed. Wall or furniture can be blue, but in several cases both, if the hues are selected properly.
Feng shui assigns light blue hues to wood, dark hues to water element. Blue is the color of Jin, the female side. It belongs to the 5th chakra (throat).
It is frequently used in business life. People wearing dark blue suit are considered to be reliable. In logos of renowned companies, blue is the most common color.
Different hues of blue are hard to combine, because green and purple tones are incompatible. For implementing a real cozy blue interior, ask for help from a color advisor.


Spare wallpapers

Some ideas for using spare wallpapers


Plants – otherwise

Classical topiary for home decorating

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  • topiary

Don’t put the TV in the focus

Some ideas for hiding the TV


Useful accessories 1.

Useful accessories in the bedroom



Chinoiserie style was very popular in Europe in the XVIII. century. By the vivid trading activities with the East, at the early XVII. century a large amount of furniture, usage- and ornamentical objects, silk arrived to the continent. The fashion of chinoiserie has spread in France thanks to Madame Pompadour (1721-1764). As a mistress of the king, she defined the fashion and most of the orders are placed by her also. In England, the style got known by the drawings and plans of Thomas Chippendale (1718-1779), who was a brilliant designer and furniture maker.
Chinoiserie style appeared as a part of rococo. The porcelain from China has always held in high esteem, because its price, they took place in the interiors of the aristocrats. In 1709, the secret of manufacturing porcelain has been deciphered, since that time, the Chinese pieces could been copied. Main characteristics of the furnitures of the style was lacqering technique. This was a time consuming procedure, even 30-50-100 layers cover a piece. Black, red and green lacquers were the most popular. The best replica was Vernis Martin, but not as good as the original. Often applied with golden decorations for higher contrast. In Europe the wallpaper was also a novelty, till then only painting or upholstery covered the walls. Main motives of chinoiserie style are birds (parrots and cranes), dragons, monkeys, grids, flowery branches, chinese genres and landscapes as the central decorations of furnitures. The pierced-backed chair became popular such as the pagoda like structures on beds and vardrobes, the rice paper covered paravan and the bamboo-like carvings.
From these features an interior designer easily can create an interior that fits to the present taste, providing classic and elegant solution for the nowadays popular oriental style.


Entrance door

The front door is our home’s visiting card so let it be decorative and stylish


Inspiration 2.

Perfect examples for high standars: interiors of Bentley, Rolls Royce and Aston Martin – they would looking good in our living room either


Striped wallpapers

Striped wallpapers in term of elegance


Easter preparations

Easter arrives soon. People usually decorate their homes for the holiday. What can we do if we have a classic style home and we would like to emphasize this elegance in the decoration as well?
Best solution are cut and potted flowers. Feel free to use the gifts of spring for decoration purposes: muscari, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths. Pots should be covered by fabric or paper harmonizing in color with the flower, or fits to the furniture with its classic pattern. Attach it with a bow tied silk ribbon even decorated with crystal pendant. Put smaller pots on the window sill, the mantel, the side of the coffe table or the unused space near the entrance on the floor.
Cut flowers, bud / flower branches, catkin should be inserted in decorative vase, which can be made of crystal or porcelain – which best fits to the room. Let’s tie brightly colored silk ribbons and white lace tapes to the branches, let’s hang egg-shaped gems on them, that can be selected by shape and color in the shop dealing with minerals. By this, we can produce a delicate view at low cost. A greater bouquet should be placed in the middle of the table, and in line with it, some shorter flowers along the whole size of the table. Not only vases can be used for this, but crystal glasses, smaller dishes only for flower blossoms, or even a jar covered by silk fabric. Under white plates, dish pads can be placed from flower patterned fabric, instead of napkin rings, flowers can be tied on textile napkins.
Table should be covered by white damask tablecloth, even with flower patterned. On this, some antique porcelain decorations can be placed that are associated to Easter: rabbit, egg, flower, bird, etc. Candles are also preferable. On a flat dish, colorful small cakes, decorated muffins and marzipan flowers can be served.
A professional interior designer can help to plan and realize the decoration best fitting to the home in a consultation taking 1-2 hours.
