
Useful accessories 3.

Useful accessories in the hall


Inspiration 3.

When a celebrity gives inspiration for decorating our room



Elegant and practical walk-in wardrobes – independently of size


Children’s room

In the age of 5-12 years, one knows what he or she likes in the child room and what not. It’s advisable to ask their opinion when renovating their room.
Beyond the view, the function is very important. From the age of six, learning should be supported by the room. When designing a cozy learning corner fitting to its function, it’s also important that the child should spend several hours in it. The direction of incoming natural light is essential, such as artificial lighting and storing facilities for books, drawing tools, other scholar equipments and even for a computer.
Bed should be placed where the child cannot see the learning corner from. If this is impossible, scholar equipments and computer should be kept in a place which can be closed. This provides more relaxed rest.
Other parts of the room are the place of playing of course. There should be enough space on the floor to place toys. Let’s install shelves for the exhibition of “treasures”. Children have lots of hobbies that last for several months only (e.g.: dinosaurs, princesses, cartoon characters, action heroes, etc.), but they are enthusiastic in displaying these era in the complete room. A child room can be allocated such a way, that transformation will not cause a problem in case of changing habits. With clever color selection, removable decoration and a cabinet for the hobbies, future transformation problems can be easily eliminated. It’s practical to use neutral, light colors on the wall, since the toys and other accessories are extremely colorful anyhow. Too strong, static colors can distract the child’s attention from learning, sleeping, in worst case causing hyperactivity.
If you would like to surprise your children with a tailored new room for Children’s day, meanwhile the classic elegance of the apartment should be kept, or one room should be implemented for the requirements of two children, ask help from an experienced interior designer.


In and out

When a patio or a balcony serves as an additional room


Door mats

Showy door mats for the positive aperçu



Providing style with checked fabrics


Useful accessories 2.

Useful accessories in the bathroom


Reading nook

A cosy reading corner is the most desired dream of the book lovers for whom reading is a real hobby.
At home, we used to read at many different ways and places: in bed, curled up in a couch, in the bath or sitting at the desk. These are most often ad-hoc solutions, but whatever size of home we have, we can easily implement a separate oasis for our most favourable activity.
If there is a cosy bay window, that could be an ideal place for a built-in bench. Additional storing place also can be gained such a way. With a harder sitting cushion and some soft cushions for the back – covered by a textile fitting to the style of the home – can result a place where we can read at natural light.
We also can purchase a big and comfortable armchair for this purpose, it can be placed e.g. near the fireplace or in a corner. It should be large enough to let us changing our position in it. Extended with a footrest, an additional cushion and a standing lamp, it can be even more comfortable.
Informal style and location can be solved by using three or four sitting cushions on the floor, which can be moved wherever in the flat. Cover large, at least 60×60 cm cushions with your favourite fabric. Placing them near each-other, we can read in laying position, but placed vertically they provide cosy sitting facility.
If we like to read outdoor and we have a balcony or terrace, a deck chair or rocking chair can be put out there, completed with a blanket and a cushion. If there is also a garden, a bench can be placed under an arbor or a larger tree, where we can read surrounded by flowers, enjoying the scents and the silence.
If you love to read at home as relaxing, but because of the dimension or features of your home, you have no idea to realize a reading corner, ask help from an interior designer.


Leather furniture

Classical, elegant and comfortable leather furniture
