
Train as home

A railway carriage can be conjured to a cosy home in classic style



Dotted materials are in fashion again in interior design


Library at home

Each real book lover dreams of an own library. Well, placing several hundred books in a smaller house or even in an apartment is really not an easy job.
The most fortunate ones can arrange a separate room for this purpose. This is the ideal situation. We can stand bookshelves in front of the walls up to the ceiling, the pitches can be adjusted to the different book sizes. The best solution is the tailor made and built in furniture, which can be highly customized. If the room is not North oriented, curtains or blinders should be applied to the windows to prevent the books from direct sunlight. In the middle, a comfortable armchair can be placed with a small table and a lamp. Walls and ceiling can be painted with dark hues – the room will be a perfect “nest” for reading.
Our collection can be exhibited in the living room as well. Generally, this is the most used room in a flat, frequently visited by the whole family. Pay attention for the safety of the books if eating, drinking, partying, or children are playing here. Practical solution to purchase bookshelves with a closed cabinet at the bottom. By this, the books can be placed up from above 80 cm. Even more safe, if the bookshelves have glassed door panels: the books are securely stored and even the view remains. Since window blinding is not too practical, place the bookshelves on the wall near the window. The situation is the same, if the library is placed in the dining room.
General solution is placing the books in the workroom. A desk with the necessary accessories don’t require too much place, the free wall surface can be used to store our books. Eliminating direct sunlight is also a problem here, it must be solved at least we are not in the room.
In a one-room apartment the books are practically in the bedroom. It is changing by people, who finds this disturbing, or relaxing when preparing to sleep. In the first case we can store our books in a closed cabinet with cathedral glass or wooden door panels. Don’t place bookshelf above the bed!
It’s important to take care of the books. Once a year they have to be dusted. They have to be stored in horizontal position, not too close to each-other. Protect them from dust and direct sunlight.
You have collected a lot of books, but you don’t know how to store them a way, that is decorative and safe, using the space available optimally? Ask help from an interior designer for planning and implementing.



Here is the revival of dressers



Purple is derived by mixing to primary color, blue and red – by this, we call it as a secondary color. The complement is yellow.
Physiological effect: strong hues of purple release energy, help creativity and memory. Pastel hues are relaxing, provide the feeling of protection, work against insomnia. In symbolism, it is associated to knowledge, mystique and wisdom. In movies and storybooks, dark hues are often displayed on the clothes of wizards, while light hues can be seen on dress of fairies. Reminds us to splendour and richness. Long ago it was a color of mourning of the French royal house.
Purple can be cold and warm color depending on blue or red component predominates. Relatively new color in interior design, nowadays it is very popular. Darker and stronger hues can be perfectly combined to white, black or grey. Light hues look good with crème or light green. Combining purple with silver results a luxurious effect. It can be perfect in bedroom, child-room or playing room (light hues), or in wardrobes, home office or movie room (dark hues). Lavender is a favourite color of romantic, country styles. Since it is not a food color, we can use it carefully in kitchen, dining room, maybe on the accessories. Purple is the most loved color of 75% of the children under the age of 13.
According to feng shui, purple strengthens in changes and provides spiritual help. Assigned to the 6th chakra (third eye).
Since this color is a little bit “too much” in itself, and it can have strong, dramatic effect, for implementing a tasteful purple interior, ask help from an interior designer.



Change your featureless panelling to a timeless and decorative wooden wainscot



Patchwork is in fashion again – choose an old, hand-made piece for the unique look


Gustavian style

When we talk about Scandinavian style, everyone associates to IKEA furniture, large white spaces and the sauna covered by wood. But this style has another, even more sophisticated face too.
This is Gustavian style, got the name from the Swedish king of the XVIII. century Gustav the third (1746-1792). In this era French was allied state, by this, lots of elements have been derived from the style of Louise XV. and XVI. These have been combined with English and Italian characteristics, which finally resulted the fine overall impression fitting to the Northern taste. Furnitures and decoration elements are displayed in a sleek design with muted colors. Main features of Gustav style: hues of white, gray, light yellow, light blue and beige, raw or painted wood in its natural colors, stenciling, chequered and striped fabrics, worn effect. Elegant, yet slightly rustic appearance of the interiors. Wooden flooring is often left in nature color with lacquer, but it can be painted white also. Walls are covered by painted wooden panels or plastery. As decoration, paintings (mainly portraits), medallions made of parget and mirrors with gildened frame are applied. The ceiling beams are often visible. The space itself is not crowded. Typical accessories are the crystal chandelier, a tiled stove and a large, standing clock. Furniture are made of wood (mostly birch), with light painting, sometimes gildening or painted motifs.
Perfect style for those, who love the cold Northern landscape, the fine pastel colors and the airily elegant atmosphere. If you would like an unusual Scandinavian interior, ask help from an interior designer.



Placing fish tank into elegant surroundings


Built-in attic

Building in the attic is one of the best methods for increasing the useful floor space of a house. Such a reconstruction raises not only the value of the property but very comfortable living space can be created with applying some rules.
Pay attention to the quality of insulation because it can largely affect the costs of heating-cooling in the future. Take care of the latter, because these rooms have to be more intensely heated in winter and cooled in summer. The livability of the attic depends on the proper amount of light. If it is possible, more or bigger windows should be built in. If they can be placed only on a high level, let’s choose pieces with handles on their lower part. Since sunshine can be a problem in summer, proper shading should be provided. Mostly roll-up blind or light-reflecting window-foil might be the solution but common curtains shouldn’t be neglected either because of the sloped roof! It can be just as elegant as in an ordinary living room or bedroom, with clever solutions. Attic might be darker in winter than other rooms, so the proper implementing of artificial lighting has to be attended already at the beginning of the works.
A built-in attic can be suited to several functions. In the case of a bedroom, the bed shouldn’t be placed under the skylight because it can disturb the calming rest. If the wardrobe will be here, dehumidifying is a very important task. In the case of children’s room or playroom, safety is a must, especially if there is a balcony also. It’s worth to use additional sound-proofing in the case of a movie or TV room. The proper darkening can be solved here easier. This kind of space can be good for a hobby room or home office also. Take care of placing the desks for avoiding hitting the sloping roof when standing up from the chair. A wider tabletop can be used for this.
Always ask for help of professionals for building-in an attic. Consult with an interior designer for optimizing the final furnishing and for the best usage of the space.
