

The shades of pink are from mixing red and white. All of its tones are popular in interior design. Commonly pastel or more subdued pinks fit for classic style.
This color is connected firstly with feminity, romance, flowers and girls. Strong shades (e.g. pink, purple) heighten pulse rate and blood pressure, have exciter effect. Soft tones (e.g. pearl pink, powder) are rather calming, inviting and have protecting effect.
There is a perfect shade for almost all of the interior design styles. The lighters can be used in nurseries, children’s rooms, bedroom and bathroom. Brighter tones are better to use only on accessories or maybe on  bigger furniture as pop-color or focal point. They look good in living room, dining room and home office. If we are braver, walls can be painted pink also. Its sweetness or vibration can be blunted with white, beige, green, grey, brown or even black.
It was one of the favorite color of Madame Pompadour in the 18th century Rococo France, that’s why it was frequently used on Sévres porcelains, wallpapers and upholsteries. Rather pastel shades are beloved in English styles. It is connected to the feast of cherry tree blooming in Japan.
Business companies that choose pink or magenta for their logos are growing. They want to highlight their specialty, ability to develop and influence with this. Toy manufacturing, cosmetic and sweets manufacturing companies use its paler shades also.
Pinks can easily dominate the space, they might create depressing or sugary mood, so ask for help of a color advisor-interior designer for creating a subdued and tasty pink interior.


Four poster bed

What can be more romantic than a four poster bed?



A cleverly designed orangery built to the house will be usable all over the, which increases the value of the house also.
Firstly the purpose of the additional „room” has to be decided. It can be useful for anything else beside keeping and wintering plants: reading nook, playroom, additional dining room or living room. It is practical to build in a French door in its garden side for opening it up with the garden in good weather, this way creating an airy but covered outdoor seating place.
The building can be ordered from professional companies, which deliver it in the desired size, color and material after on-site survey. The frame can be made of metal or wood. The first one is the most common because it needs less care and sturdier. Any other color can be chosen beside the classic white, which matches to the house. The advantage of green is fading into the garden view. Black gives a more characteristic look, and also a beloved color for a long time. As far as possible, the roof should be made of the same glassed framework as the walls. Not only for the sake of a more uniform and beautiful appearance, but also for the plants to get more light.
It’s practical to choose a kind of tile or hardwood covering for the floor. These don’t warp by moisture which is important because of the plants kept here. If carpet is preferred, let’s choose one made of coir or sisal. They are nature-looking and easy cleanable. It’s worth to lay a smaller carpet on the tiled floor in winter for improving comfort.
The cooling-heating question has to be solved during the building phase for the sake of all-year usage. Floor heating is the simplest way. If the frame is put on a lower parapet wall, long but narrow radiators can be placed also which will be almost invisible. The proper shading is a must against sunshine and over-warming. Roll-up or roman blinds are the best fitted solutions. They highlight the beauty of the structure with their simple and clear lines. An UV-proof fabric should be chosen for it which looks good with the furnishing also. Don’t forget the roof! It’s practical to make more glass panels openable for the better ventilation.
Attention should be paid to the problems linked to the room’s special features while furnishing, e.g. moisture and strong sunshine. That’s why garden furniture with metal or bamboo frame are good solutions which are more resistant than upholstered indoor furniture. Lighting is important if the room will be used in the evenings also. Let’s treat the orangery as an ordinary room and use floor lamp, chandelier, table lamp and wall scone. The frame commonly suits for hanging a chandelier but it should be discussed with the professional when ordering.
This room is transparent on all sides because of the glass walls. So, pay attention to safety by proper locks and alarm system. During the holidays, it will be a spectacularly decorated room to enjoy from the garden.
If you are not sure about what kind of orangery fits for your house or just want to furnish the present one in style, ask for help of an interior designer.


Church as home

Who is drawn by open spaces and high headroom, can live even in a church



The interior design styles of the era between 1610 and 1793 in France are called Louis-styles after the four reigning kings.
Baroque was half-baked and the effect of Renaissance was strong under Louis XIII. (1601-1643). That’s why the interiors were moderately decorated. Although furniture was richly carved, they were natural in color and large-scaled. Their architectural elements were determining. Chairs are upholstered, most of them are not folding. Louvre was the seat of the king by this time. Impact of Baroque began at the end of his reign.
Louis XIV., the Sun-king (1638-1715) was the lover of pomp. Baroque reached its peak under his reign. The aim was using the more decorating motifs, gildings and exotic materials in every fine arts. He had the castle of Versailles rebuilt to a world famous palace of the king. Boulle is the most known name in the field of furniture, he became famous by his marquetry. He used ormolu, tortoise shells, brass, noble woods by chance. Mansart created lasting in architecture. He is known by the roof type named after him. The beauty of the gardens were the works of Le Nôtre. The geometrically arranged flower beds, fountains, long promenades are spectacular even nowadays. The colorful frescos and murals of Versailles are the works of Le Brun.
Louis XV. (1710-1774) was the great-grandson of the Sun-king. Rococo is the style of his era which was marked by over-decorating, shell motifs, chinoiserie and feminine interior details. The fashion was dictated by his two famous lovers, Madame Pompadour and Madame Du Barry. Porcelain manufacturing started, the lace-manufactures and silk-weavers were sponsored for the most splendid fabrics which were matched with goods from abroad. The walls were covered by fabrics or wallpapers, furniture were lacquered and painted, the decorating C and S pieces were used inordinately.
The reign of Louis XVI. (1754-1793) was the era of Classicism. The ancient Roman buildings, sculptures and household objects found in excavation of Pompei had a big influence on the people of the age. The stifling over-decoration was followed by a more moderated style: the decoration elements of ancient times were used again, the shapes of furniture became clear, the lines straightened. Even dressing fashion turned to a more comfortable direction. Patterns and decorations of idealized country life were used on fabrics, porcelains and other household objects.
The revolution terminated Louis-styles and the ancient régime also. Several buildings, paintings, valuable statues, porcelains etc. were perished during the huddle and terror of years because of the intentional vandalism and fire-raising of the mob. These are lost forever for posterity.
Fortunately, enough sources and pictures remained for falling in love with any of the Louis-styles and for desiring to implement them at home. A good interior designer can help to realize this dream by refreshing and fitting it to the sizes of present flats/houses.


Roman blind

The roman blind is an elegant shielding solution, it gives clear-out contour for the window


Music room

The meeting of love of music and classical interior design



White merges all of the colors in itself. This can be easily recognized if white light passes through a prism: the result will be a rainbow of colors. As its physiological effect, it replenishes our body, gives a light and airy feeling, and meanwhile it decreases stress. There are mainly positive thoughts assigned to it in symbolism. It means, inter alia, innocence, purity, perfection, faithfulness, salvation and peace. In religions, it represents generally gods and their attendants (e.g.: the dove of Holy Spirit, the elephant signaling Buddha’s birth, the dress and wings of angels). In China and Japan, white is obituary color.
White has cold and warm hues, but generally it is considered as a cold color. At home decoration, it can be used practically everywhere. In the bathroom and kitchen, it provides sterility and cleanness. This color reflects light the most, making the interior shiny and light and spacious. As flooring, we use it carefully, as it cannot give a stabile base resulting a feeling of floating. If we are uncertain about the style, let’s leave the walls and ceiling white, this will provide the proper background for everything. Adding different materials and textures, white spaces can be real exciting. Of course, white furniture is fastidious, there cannot be a mess and the cleaning should be excellent. White can be combined with practically any colors. It soften warm colors and strengthen cold ones. It fits perfectly to e.g.: French country, coastal and Scandinavian styles also.
Feng shui connects white color to metal element. This is the color of the Jang, the male side, associated to the 7. chakra (crown).
In business life, all organization can use it, where cleanness is important, such as hospitals, food processing factories, laboratories, charity organizations, cosmetics firms.
White interior can turn to rigid, “hospital style” easily. To create a cozy and showy white living space, ask a color advisor.


Lofted room

A well thought-out and choosy implemented loft doesn’t diminish the sense of space


Animals in our home

Having an animal means great responsibility, therefore we have to think, how will we get along with it before getting one! From the aspect of interior design, primarily cats and dogs are considered, since they can move freely in our home.
In a typical city apartment without garden connection, pets usually use all the territory. After walking, we can clean the paws of our dog, in case of wet weather we can even wash them, to prevent the floor being muddy. This is important if we want to use carpets or floor mats. Only the period of fur shedding can cause a trouble, mostly at longhair cat and dog breeds. Even this could be eliminated by frequent vacuuming the carpets and furniture upholstering and by training the pet to use its own lying place.
Having a garden connection lets our pets walking in and out freely – this makes the problem really tough. Wooden and stone flooring are easy to clean from muddy footprints and hair. Practically these should be applied in every room pets can visit. In case dogs that like to dig, or larger dogs, a smaller part of the garden should be separated, where they can play and run without harming the plants or vegetables. To protect the vegetation, we have to clean up after our pets frequently.
Important to provide an own place for pets (mostly for dogs) where they feel comfortable if we are not at home. Let’s train them to accept and use it. Their laying place should be comfortably soft, large enough and having a look not disturbing the haromony of the interior. Nowdays a lot of „design” cat and dog accessories can be purchased in pet shops, from toys to laying baskets. If we want real special, we can order built-in or tailored, classic style solution from a carpenter.
It’s recommended to keep the feeding and watering bowls and cat litter in a separate place, where guests cannot see them, e.g. in loundry room, pantry or any other hidden corner. In case of a bigger house, they can be placed in the garage or basement. It’s a question of individual approach, in which rooms can be visited by our pets, what is allowed for them in the apartment and what not, but it’s practical to train our pets in an elegant interior not to cause any damage, which is very time-consuming or costly to repair.
If you would like to modify your apartment or house to provide optimal place for your pets, or just considering having a cat or dog, ask for help from an interior designer.
