
Historical colors

In the case of a low-budget renovation, where only a wall painting is possible, or wallpapering, maybe changing one or two furniture, colors have more important role. Their power is frequently underestimated, some people are afraid of them also. They are afraid that a stronger color might be boring soon, so they decide to choose white or pastel shades. The desired style is tried to be reached by excessive amount of decorating objects.
It is quite easy with classic historical styles. Every era had characteristic color hues which determined the mood of interiors of that time. Of course, all the colors of the rainbow were used then also, though there was always a shade of color which was among the most popular in its era. If these colors are used during renovating, a success can be reached with less effort. Although the mixed paint by a color code is more expensive than the ready-made versions, it is worth to spend it for the effect. In the case of wallpaper, pattern can be so important too.
Some extracted examples: using of ebony black, gold and golden yellow was typify Empire style. Vine red, olive green and warm dark browns were common in Victorian style interiors. We associate to bubble gum pink, butter yellow and light turquoise blue from the 50s. Edwardian style is characterized by magnolia, bluish grey and off-white.
Don’t afraid of color painting the ceiling, doors and windows or even moldings, beside the walls. Draw inspiration from the pictures of interiors of the given era. Surviving buildings are commonly restored with using historically accurate colors, so we can see the total effect. Let’s be daring because painting is the easiest and cheapest way of makeover, so even if we make a mistake, it is remediable easily.
Ask for help of a color adviser/interior designer if you have doubts about the proper color-usage.


Dog/cat door

Provide the free bustling in and out to the garden for our pets


Color pairs 6.

Color pairs: blue-green


Door wreaths 4.

Summer door decors – even DIY


Bed frame

When choosing a bed, we focus on comfortability and a proper position for our spine. These aspects are regarding only the mat. But how to find the optimal frame, that will hold the mat? Basically, there are two materials used for bed frames: metal and wood. Both fits to classic interiors, so the colour, form, measure and style will determine the choice.
First we have to find out, weather we would like footboard or not, if yes, how tall? Headboard will be fixed to the wall or it will be the part of the frame? How high would be the top of the mat from the ground level? Should the frame have feet or not? Do we need bed storage?
The real traditional versions of metal bed frames are made of copper, with high head- and footboard. Wroughed iron frames are usually painted. Black versions fit well in Mediterranean environments, while white and pastel versions can be characteristic elements of shabby chic and country styles.
Most spectacular examples of the wooden frames are four-poster beds. They provide romantic and elegant feeling to the room. They are space consuming, in addition to, we have to be aware the ceiling height. Wooden frames can be stained, lacquered or painted depending to the style applied. Each has its own charm.
We can buy totally upholstered frame too. Using the colour of the textile, we can reach harmony or even define a focus point in the interior. The upholstering should be easy to clean. Its main advantage the softness, so we will not hit our feet if we have to pass close to it.
When buying a mat, we have to test the samples in the shop. For choosing a bed frame, ask for the help of an interior designer or style advisor.


Ship as home

Comfortable ship apartments in classic style


Variations 5.

Variations for a theme: cities



Implementation of a backsplash surface behind the kitchen desk is an important part of design. The regular heavy duty, greasy dirts and moisture require proper solutions.
Because of the above reasons, kitchen usually has a bottom to desktop height tile cover. This can be also a good solution, but not the only one. Tile is comfortable since easy to clean and hygienic, but it’s enough to restrict it to the area that has the most heavy duty: behind the sink, oven or the the desk between the upper and lower cupboards. Other parts of the wall can be painted or even covered by wallpaper (keep in mind the good ventilation of the room).
An other solution can be the wooden cover coated with washable paint or multi layer lacquer. Grooved wood panelling fits well to several styles, can be coloured according to the needs. Feel free to use it instead of tiles!
Of course, there are washable wall paints too. This doesn’t mean high-gloss surface in all cases seen in old canteens. Non-glossy and satin versions are also produced in all colours of the rainbow, they can be used practically anywhere in the kitchen.
More spectacular solution is using a mirror. It can be antiqued, coloured or simple. We can use the wire-grid versions too, the result will be interesting and unique.
Metallic ceiling tiles give elegant and a little bit masculine look to the kitchen. Natural stone covers can be also applied, but first they have to be impregnated right after bonding to avoid absorbing moisture and dust.
For finding the back splash surface fitting best to your kitchen, ask for help from an interior designer.


My project 1.

One of my prior projects: 38 sqm block apartment in calming blue
Further pictures:


Table centerpiece 1.

Some decorative table centerpiece ideas instead of cut flowers
