
Furniture restoration

It’s a good thing to givean old piece of furniture a new life for by remodeling and/or repainting it. However, do not ruin valuable antique furniture with such a thing! These should be restored by an expert, or sold to someone who appreciates their present beauty.


Towel storage

How to store towels in use in the bathroom: on wall/door hangers, on wall/door rails, on freestanding towel rack?



Accessories made of natural rope are suitable not only for beach style


Valentine’s Day table setting

Elegant table setting belongs to the Valentine’s Day surprise dinner


In kitchen island

What should be put in the kitchen island: sink, cooker, wine fridge?


Wallpaper border

Many still insist on the use of wallpaper border. According to experts, it will also come into fashion again. How don’t let it be old-fashioned? Always choose a pattern that matches the style and colors of the room, and its height should fit the height of the room. Put it right below the cornice, do not leave a space between them and do not put it instead of the cornice! This way it won’t sqeeeze the space either.



Preliminary montage is a good tool to show the style and colors of the planned home


Lead crystal

Lead crystal contains minimum 24% lead oxide which is added to the raw material during production. Thanks to this, it is much easier to cut the product, it has brighter shine and characteristic ringing sound.


My project 41.

After seven years, it’s time of change 🙂 before-after


Historical interior design styles

To create historical interior design styles, let’s study the interior paintings of contemporary painters. Since neither photography nor interior magazines existed yet, they give a loyal picture of the furniture, wall and floor coverings, decorative elements and spaces proportions of those days.
