
Garden furniture

Comfortable garden seats beyond faux rattan


Air conditioning

The matter of air conditioning comes to the fore because of the hotter summers, everybody who can, installs one at home. However, in the case of classic style interiors not only the function but the sight matters also.
The most important aspect of design is to place the indoor unit properly, that the cold air doesn’t reach us directly. If this is not possible because of the lack of space, let’s buy a model with adjustable reeds in both directions. This way, the „target” shouldn’t be the bed in the bedroom, the desk in the office, the main countertop in the kitchen and the sofa in the living room. The air conditioner with proper capacity can cool down the room without risking our health.
Only the grid part is visible of the ceiling built-in models. This can be perfectly implemented to the surroundings by a suspended ceiling decorated with classic style moldings or gypsum stuccos. But this requires a proper room height also.
There are some solutions for hiding wall mounted indoor units also. One of them is painting them with the same color. Since the cover of the air conditioner is removed during cleaning and maintenance, the painting should be done part by part, eliminating surface damages. Color models can be purchased also.
The indoor unit beside the window can be covered with the curtain when out of use. Let’s fix a longer curtain rod which overhangs the indoor unit. When it is turned on, the fabric is just pulled away.
The unit placed above the window or door and in the same color seems like the part of it, just like an overdoor. If it is not lately placed but we are in a building process, the frame of the door or window should be placed around the indoor unit also.
The unit can be hidden in a floor-to-ceiling cupboard too. One of the solutions is putting a door before it. The other solution is hiding it in the place of a shelf, just like a decorating object. If the cupboard and the unit have the same color, it will be more invisible. Proper air ventilation should be provided in both cases.
Take an example of fans, they can be built in behind a drywall also. Let’s create shelves below it in the drywall to make it functional.
Ask for help of an interior designer for fitting the air conditioning system in a classic interior.



Use decorative and visible door hardwares instead of the usual clip-top hinges



Glamour+camping=Glamping – camp with style!


Reusing maps

Almost every summer holiday began with buying the paper map of the destination, before the appearance of GPS and navigation apps. They became a bit worn during the trip, especially if they were used on more trips. Then they ended at the bottom of a drawer and were forgotten. However, they shouldn’t be necessarily thrown to the recycling bin. Let’s see some examples for using them.
Let’s wallpaper the room with them! They can be pasted up, just like the common wallpapers. A perfect focal point can be created with covering a center wall with maps. More colorful pieces can be used in children’s room, but choose the yellowed, few-color printed versions for a more subdued effect. Putting them behind a backsplash glass in the kitchen gives a really unique effect. The wall of the staircase or the mantel can be highlighted this way also.
Furniture made of wood or MDF can be popped up with them. Just stick the maps on the back of a chair, on the drawers of a commode or even on top of a table, for example. The surface will be more durable with several coats of lacquer. If a few umber is added to the lacquer, the surface will have antique effect.
Smaller household objects can be also decorated with maps by decoupage technique. The boring cork coasters can be popped up with the colorful lines of a town’s transport network. The simple cardboard lampshade will not only be more spectacular, but it will color the light a bit. The terracotta pots of herbs lining on the kitchen windowsill will look much better this way also.
Putting the maps in frames and hanging them on the wall is a cheap decoration. They can be grouped not only by colors but by geography also. More classic and more united effect can be reached with similar frames.
Ask for help of an interior designer for re-using your thought-to-be unwanted objects.


For Fathers’ Day

DIY decoration ideas for Fathers’ Day


Table centerpiece 5.

Summer table centerpiece ideas



Let’s decorate the toilette because it’s a part of our home too


Double height room

Double height rooms are more and more frequent in newly built houses. Mostly one can look down from the upper level which can give a new and exciting perspective for the owners. Typically, the living room, the kitchen or the entrance hall is created this way.
Furnishing of these rooms can be a challenge. Not necessarily the oversized furniture is the solution. The huge space can be filled with creating a focal point to eliminate the feeling of unusually emptiness and rigidity.
Covering the fireplace up to the ceiling is a perfect answer to the problem. Don’t be upset if there is no chimney: bioethanol fireplaces can be placed anywhere. Additional color and texture can be brought in the space with natural stone or wooden paneling.
There are similar window-heights in a double height room, or maybe they are ordinary sized but in two rows. Spectacular curtaining of these works well as a focal point. Hanging fabrics from ceiling to floor has to be left to professionals. It can be complemented with electric blinds; in this case the curtain will serve as just a decoration indeed.
Proper lighting is always a basic task. In this case, a really big and beautiful chandelier can be hung. Pay attention to not only the size filling the room but giving enough light also. If everything else is neutral, it will attract the eye.
If it is a living room, plus stairs can be built here, this way one hasn’t return to the main stairs for going up. A nicely carved metal or wooden spiral staircase is a perfect eye candy. Let’s put the library here, so the bookshelves can reach to the ceiling, they will be easily accessible also.
It’s an extreme case, but a motor-cycle or a smaller boat can be stored by hanging from the ceiling. Pay attention to fit in the style of the flat and don’t transform the living room to a depot. In this case, planning and creating the hanging system must be always done by a professional!
Of course, there are many other possibilities besides those above. Ask for help of an interior designer for esthetically highlighting the double room height.


Color pairs 15.

Color pairs: blue-yellow
