
Tin cans

Some ideas for reusing empty tin cans


Dark walls

Don’t afraid of using dark wall colors: elegant, cozy and make the room spectacular


Lingel furniture

Karoly Lingel founded his company in 1864 which became a furniture factory. Later his two sons joined him and Karoly Lingel and Sons First Hungarian Woodenware and Furniture Factory was born.
Their best known and most popular product was the so-called American type bookcase. Originally this type was produced in the USA but it soon spread in Europe also. This is a row of separate bookcases, their shelves are protected with glassed, upward-open and push-in doors, this way the books can’t be dusty but they are visible and decorate the room.
This bookcase was the part of their office furniture set. Lingel recognized the spreading of bureaucracy and the growing demand with it, that’s why he started to produce desks, post counters and various storage cabinets.
Between the two world wars, they even made furniture sets for kitchens and private rooms. These were capable for mass production, this way they could fulfill bigger orders also. At the design, they noted the spreading of Art Déco.
The factory was socialized under the name of BUBIV, but the family reopened it in 1997, so the bookcase can be bought again as a replica. The original pieces are very sought after at auctions. They are not only valuable but beautiful and practical too. They fit perfectly in a classic style library.


Instead of four poster beds

If there is not enough space for a four-poster bed…



Mouldings are not only decorative but improve the features of the room. Walls can be sectioned by them, thus we feel the low ceiling higher, but they also help section the too high ceiling, making it more acceptable for the eyes. Frequently the spaces between mouldings are painted in different colors or they get different coverage.
In old times, mouldings were made of hardwood or gypsum. Most of them was richly carved which complemented the architectural elements. Nowadays they are mass produced, made of paintable polystyrol. This can be placed very easily and can be bought in several sizes and patterns.
Baseboard is placed downmost, at the junction of the floor and the wall. Its back side is straight, this slicks to the wall. It is made of wood or fiberboard, which can be painted easily also, but for wet rooms there are many pieces in tile-collections. The dimensions of the baseboard are specified by the scales of the room, commonly 8-12 cm high (but maximum 20 cm). Its task is hiding the floor’s bumpiness and protecting the wall from e.g. scratches by legs of the chairs.
Dado rail is set up at 85-90 cm. The wall-part below it is frequently paneled, which protects the lower part of the wall from damaging impacts. Its height anno was equal with the height of chair backs (chair rail), so it was suited for protecting the wallpaper or painting when chairs were pushed against the wall. Later it had rather just a decorating role.
Picture rail is a fully functional element:  big, framed paintings are hanged on it with wires and hooks. It holds their weight and this way the plastered or gypsum-decorated walls are not damaged. It is placed between 210 and 270 cm depending on the height of the ceiling.
Crown moulding is placed at the junction of the wall and the ceiling. It gives finiteness and frames the room. Exact mitering in the corners is essential for the esthetic, perfect fitting of the two parts. The cross-section of cornice is a right-angled triangle, they are being pasted up in just right the corner. Because they hide the joint of the vertical and the upper horizontal planes, they raise the feeling of height.
We can use other, similar decorating elements beside the basics. Ask for help of an interior designer for planning.


Inspiration 8.

Get inspired by the cooling ice creams!


Using space under stairs

The small area under the stairs is mostly considered only as a storage space. There is always lack of storage space, so this is a very good solution. The usage is perfect with custom made, built-in furniture. However, this is not the only useful way for the owners, there are several further functions fit to this small area also.
Reading our favorite book is the best in a small nook. Let’s built-in a bench under the stairs, put a comfortable cushion on it and surround it with soft pillows, fix a wall scone and the perfect bookworm shelter is ready.
A home office is needed more and more, but there is not always a separated room for it. A smaller desk can be comfortably fit under the stairs, it can be even built around by shelves, providing place for not only the laptop but for the stationery and some documents also.
A guest toilet is desired by most of us. We can cleverly create it under wider stairs. A toilet, a small sink and a towel rail are enough for this. All of them should be wall mounted, this way the space will be felt bigger.
If the stairs are right near the entrance door, let’s take the advantage for creating a comfortable welcoming area. Hooks for coats, shelves for shoes and a cushioned seat can be placed here instead of a separate wardrobe.
These are only some of the several possibilities. Ask for help of an interior designer for utilizing all the possibilities of your home!


Color pairs 16.

Color pairs: green-orange


Special wall arts

For decorating the walls, we frequently use simple solutions as paintings, engravings, photos, fabrics in frames, wallpapers or smaller objects. These are very showy and it’s easy to find a fitting piece for the style. But let’s be daring! There are so many objects on flea markets and in our home too, which are perfectly suitable for wall decoration.
Old advertising boards, trade-signs, original boxes, marker letters can be found in many places and are popular decoration elements nowadays. We can choose wooden or metal pieces. They can be grouped by color, shape and theme, fitting to the interior.
Hanging old sporting goods on the wall are perfect solutions for sport-lovers: paddles, golf and tennis rackets, riding equipment etc. Most of them are suitable for both horizontal and vertical arrangements which effects the sense of space.
Let’s examine the contents of the wardrobes from this point of view. Our collections of hats, handbags, fans can decorate e.g. the wall of the living room. The harmony of the colors and materials is important for the sight not to be chaotic.
The most common objects could be decorating elements with a spectacular arrangement and an idea suggested by the room. We can decorate the wall of the kitchen with antique pots. They can have in common their material (e.g. copper, tin) or their type with difference just in the size (e.g. cooking tops, sieves).
Use the old doors, shutters and window frames were judged to throw out during the renovation! They fit for several styles in the original condition but renewed and painted they can be hung on the wall. Mirror can be cut into the window frame instead of glass, this way it will perform two tasks.
There are several other solutions, only our fantasy is a limit. Ask for help of an interior designer for choosing spectacular decorating elements!


Paint palette 7.

Warm colors of summer fruits
