
Paint chips

Use the collected paint chip cards after renovating sith it would be a mistake throw these wonderful colors out


Coffered ceiling

Coffered ceiling is a very elegant solution, but it requires adequate height


Pop of colors

In an interior furnished with neutral colors (blacks, whites, beiges, browns, greys and creams) colors might also be needed to refresh the sight and make it happier. Any of the interior design elements can be applied using color or even more colors at the same time. These colors can harmonize with, or strengthen each other. Let’s be brave for reaching the desired effect and choose not only pastel, but saturated and bolder hues. These color elements will attract the eye and function as focal points, so they should be decorative. What has to be considered: how costly and / or time consuming will it be to replace these if the taste changes or getting tired of the present colors just selected.
The most easily changeable elements are for example cushions, pictures, vases, bedspread, smaller decorating objects and cut flowers. It’s not a problem to buy a new one if another color is desired. The pop of color can be taken through the whole flat but they don’t rule the rooms.
Curtains and carpets show the bold color on much larger surfaces, so we have to be braver for this. Changing them is more costly and requires attention. The color lamps might be very showy but they are more expensive than the „common” products.
Maybe the most decorative solution is highlighting upholstered furniture with this method. Choose a classic shaped, timeless piece which looks good in any color. The focal point can be the sofa and armchairs in the living room, chairs in the dining room and upholstered headboard in the bedroom. The reupholstering can be done anytime by a professional.
Repainting color corpus-furniture (bookcase, chest of drawers, night table, kitchen-island etc.) is time-consuming and costly if the present color is tired of. However, it is worth to choose this solution, because the result will be more spectacular than bringing color in the room only with simple accessories. Old pieces can be resurrected by painting too. The real brave can paint the inner doors to the chosen color also.
Color tiles for bathroom decor tiling or kitchen backsplash should be chosen only if it is sure that this is a long lasting choice. Changing this takes a lot of work and a big mess. Placing color household devices into a monochrome kitchen or bathroom is also a spectacular solution, however it is costly too.
Ask for help of an interior designer for choosing the right pop of color and the implementation.


Color pairs 21.

Color pairs: green-grey


Sewing corner

Sewing corners – if there is only a small place for your hobby


Choosing a sofa

Mostly the sofa is the biggest piece of the living room’s furniture. Choosing it cause a problem for many people because it is a central element which is used hardly and costs a lot, so nobody wants to make a mistake. A few things are worth to be considered before shopping.
A sofa without arms makes the room felt bigger. Its seating is better usable because one can sit on the place of the arm also. This is even more true in a small room where only a smaller furniture can be placed.
If the legs of the furniture can be seen, means no fabric covers them or it doesn’t have a full framed bottom, this shows the sight airier and it’s easier to clean under it. An additional color and texture can be used for creating the sight.
Undivided seating cushion is more practical instead of the divided one because more people can sit on it comfortably, but no one sits on the dividing part, even if there is enough seating place. Too soft seating cushion makes standing up harder and one’s back hurts sooner, so it’s better if is made of a harder material and holds the sitting person in position.
Consider the cleaning and vulnerability of the material of the upholstery when choosing it, mainly in the case of a family with small children. Leather is a showy material, improves with time if we take care of it, but it is warm in summer and cold in winter to sit on.
The color of the sofa is important because of its size also. It’s practical to choose from neutral colors for being variable by changing the taste or rearranging the room. Reupholstering is costly and time-consuming but naturally it’s a good solution also. A plain sofa can be popped up with patterned or contrasting colored cushions which are easily changeable when get bored with them.
Choose some models which we like and make shapes out of wrapping paper based on their sizes. With these it can be seen, how big is the place it requires in fact, and if the other furniture can be fit in and how many crossing area remains. This way it can be more easily decided if an L-shaped sofa should be bought, for example.
We plan for a long time, that’s why quality is very important! Filling of seating and back cushions can be replaced but the frame should be massive and hard-wearing. Lift one of the front legs of the furniture. The other front leg has to lift with it. If it remains on the ground, the frame is not hard enough, it curls.
Always try it before purchasing to get a really comfortable piece fit for our lifestyle! Ask for help of an interior designer for choosing the perfect sofa.


Winter decor

DIY decoration ideas for winter



Monogram wall decor is a relatively new trend but it can be fitted well in classic interior design


Color of the year 2017

Firm Pantone announces the color of the next year in every December which has an effect on interior design also. Greenery no. 15-0343 is the color of the year in 2017.
This is a bright green hue which contains a lot of yellow. It is a warm color, can be connected to spring. Because of these features, perfect focal points can be created with it, especially if the surrounding has neutral colors. It looks good in every room; the functionality determines the amount to be used. Because it is a strong, fresh, energizing hue, it is practical to use less of it in a bedroom, but this feature makes it appropriate to a living room or a home office. It is a food color, so it can be used in the kitchen and dining room at ease.
It is qualified as a popular supplemental color since a couple of years, not only in interior design. A darker or a duller color palette can be perked up with it.
Ask for help of an interior designer for making the color of the year 2017 appear in your home in style.


Table centerpiece 7.

New Years Eve table centerpiece ideas
