
Chicken wire instead of glass

Chicken wire in cabinet doors fits perfectly for country and shabby chic styles


Papier maché

Papier maché was a serious technology of interior design in the 19th century. The meaning of the French phrase is chewed paper. Henry Clay spread it in Europe who recognized its possibility in 1722.
Paper-pulp was made by a cooking method in France in the 18th century, to which glue was added and the mix was poured into molds. However, with Clay’s technique, large paper sheets were glued together on the surface of a pre-made frame and the air was pressed out of it after every 2-3 layers. The edges were cut, it was dipped into linseed oil and put into a hot oven (think in industrial sizes of course). More layers were applied on it after this, until the desired thickness was reached. The surface of the ready piece was grinded then the whole was dipped into linseed oil again and baked for several hours. This way it became not only hard and sturdy but waterproof also. Theodore Jennens patented a procedure when these pieces could be curved in forms by steaming and pressing.
Papier maché objects were produced until the beginning of the 1900s: faux-columns, backs of chairs, headboards, trays, sewing boxes, ink stands, table tops, snuffboxes, doors of coaches, toys, picture frames etc. This was a much cheaper solution for moldings, rosettes and wall panels than if the pieces were made of gypsum or wood. The surfaces of household objects were mostly lacquered black (perhaps red or dark green) and decorated with paint (flowers, birds) or mother of pearl inlay, sometimes they were gilded instead of lacquering. At the first glance, these masterpieces couldn’t be determined that they weren’t made of wood.
The original papier maché pieces are very valuable today and sought after by collectors.


Variations 7.

Variations for a theme: fruits


Table centerpiece 9.

Spring table centerpiece ideas


Ordered shed

Spring is here soon, it’s the opening season of garden jobs. Starting and keeping the time schedule is much easier if all the needed tools are ordered in their place. The required space for this is defined by the size of the house and the garden, such as the number of persons living there.
The most practical solution is a separate shed with enough space for smaller jobs if it would be rainy. Put a table in it which is tall enough to work comfortable on it standing nearby (plant transplantation, labeling, cuttings etc.). Probably less closed storages are needed, the open shelving is more practical usage of space. Hang hand tools (clippers, scissors, small shovel etc.) to hooks, this way they air better after accurate cleaning and they will be close at hand. Let’s row cords, ropes and thin wires to a kitchen paper towel holder for easier handling. Make custom storage without doors for the bigger machines like lawn mower and garden grill where they can be easily pushed in and pulled out when needed. This way the space above them is free to use because they don’t balk us to reach that wall. Put the bigger tools also on hooks fixed to the wall for the ordered sight and not to bump into them. Choose a shed with window if it is possible but proper lighting has to be ensured anyhow.
If there is no possibility for a separate shed, create the place of garden tools in the garage. Broom, rake, spade etc. can be hung on the side wall. If the building is wide and tall enough, closed cabinets can be built in above head height where pots and other accessories can be stored. Nothing will accidently fall to the car standing there, thanks to the doors.
If there is enough space only in the basement or in the attic for storing garden tools, we can still follow the ideas before, it will be just more tiresome to take down and put up the needed things. Cozy working corners can be also created here with proper lighting. If there is a greenhouse, „workstation” can be organized in one of its corners too. If we have no any other chance, put a cupboard inside the house, near the backdoor leading to the garden, with doors below and open shelves above, this way the most necessary tolls will be at hand going to the garden.
An interior designer can help in creating a functional and decorative place related to the garden also.


Pantry containers

Decorative and useful containers in the pantry


Different tiles

The no-rectangular tiles fit into classic styles either

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Visual space improving

Many people encounter the problem that the size or shape of a room in an apartment or house is not suitable. If there is no money, time or opportunity to break down the wall, changing visual effects can improve the overall picture and the sense of space.
Colors will help in this. In general, cold colors make the room more spacious, warm colors narrow the space. However, it’s not all the same, how these colors are dark/light or saturated/unsaturated. Besides these, all the rooms have six sides (commonly): the four walls, the floor and the ceiling. Let’s use all of them for getting the desired effect!
The too high ceiling is not always an advantage. Even the furnished room can be rigid and hollow. If the ceiling is painted in dark color according to the walls and floor, it is felt closer, so its height can be visually lower. The total effect will be much more friendly and inviting even if a cold color was chosen for this. The opposite effect can be reached with the combination of dark walls and light ceiling, if the ceiling is low.
If a room is tube-like and feels tight and narrow, it is practical to paint the opposite short wall dark, this way it will feel much closer. On the contrary, if the two side walls are darker, the opposite wall seems to be much farther. This is a sensual illusion but improves the feeling of coziness.
Also in general, the floor should be the darkest among the six sides because it anchors the space and provides a steady base. On the contrary, the too light floor compared to the others makes the sense of insecurity when entering.
Contrast is determinative in all the cases above! Example: sand floor, white ceiling and pastel blue walls > these colors are visually close to each other, so the total effect will be six light sides, independently from the fact that the floor is the darkest among them.
Ask for help of an interior designer for the perfect planning.


Color pairs 22.

Color pairs: red-purple


Old wall paneling

If there is no money or time for exchange the old wall paneling, let’s paint it for a fresher look
