
Poster wallpaper

The fashionable custom-made poster wallpaper is looking good in a classic interior too, if the right picture is chosen for it


Making faux pumpkins

Autumn is here again and it’s time for autumn decoration of which pumpkin is the most frequent element. It can be purchased in various shapes, sizes and colors but its disadvantage is getting rotten after a while, so it can’t be stored for the next year. However, pumpkin shaped decoration can be made DIY by using creatively the materials around, this way creating durable and eco-friendly decoration.
Let’s collect the corks of vine bottles. Choose the pieces in the same size and paint them in orange (maybe in other color if it fits better for the interior). Glue them to each other by their long sides as giving round shape front wise. Let’s start with a row of three, then put four on top of it, five on that row, and so on and so on, at last decrease the number of the corks in one row again for getting the round shape. Glue a stem made of branch and string on the top.
Old knitted pullovers in proper colors can be saved from throwing out. Turn it over, cut off the sleeves, sew the holes and the bottom of it. Turn it over again and fill it through the neck hole with wad or spared fabrics for getting a round shape. Sew it tight at the end and stick a fabric covered branch in it as a stem. If leaves are made also, the seam on the top can be covered more easily.
Have a bigger log cut into 2-3 cm thick slices. Paint the cut surfaces in orange. Fix a branch and cirri made of wire on the top of each pieces. Leaning to the wall, it will be a showy pile of pumpkins.
Lids of jars should be holed on their brims in two places, 2 cm from each other. Paint them in the desired color. String them on a thin wire for being them around and twine the ends of the wire. Glue a branch (cinnamon twig is good also), raffia and dried leaves on the top.
The simplest way of making faux pumpkins is buying orange yarn balls in a haberdashery shop in several hues and types. Only a stem and faux-leaves have to be tucked in it and the faux-pumpkin is ready.
Ask for help of an interior designer for further creative decoration ideas.


Mobile cords

Methodize our mobile gadgets and their cords


Chair backs

Classic style chair back shapes: shield, lyre, balloon



Bathroom. Even its name has the word: room. But it isn’t treated this way in everyday life. This room has tile flooring, to be as sterile as possible. It is less often used than the other parts of our home, so it is a bit neglected. Although we pay attention to quality sanitary and faucets, but not to giving a mood for it like e.g. in the case of the living room. However, it is easy to reach the feeling of a real room with some simple tricks.
Put fabrics on the windows. It could be a curtain, coffee curtain, roman blind etc., depending on the capabilities. Fabrics always create the feel of coziness.
Avoid using plastic at any kind of accessories (soap dish, litter bin, toilet brush etc.). Let’s choose quality materials instead of it, e.g. glass, metal, ceramic or wood.
Place a chair in there, it could be an armchair also, depending on the size of the bathroom. It’s better if at least the seat is upholstered. This will suggest luxury. The bathrobe can be thrown on it and the towel can be made ready.
Storages should be fit to the style, not only to the function. The doors of the cabinets can be decorated with moldings. The back of the cabinet that can be seen through the glass of the doors can be also painted or wallpapered. The consumer goods used here should be removed from their shop packages and put into decorative boxes or glasses, this way they can be stored on open shelves also.
Don’t tile the walls throughout! It is completely useless beside that it is more expensive. Tile only the parts of the walls near the tub, inside the shower and the backsplash at the basin. The other parts of the walls should be only painted – this gives more freedom in using colors too. Wallpaper can be chosen also but don’t forget to mention at the shop, that it will be applied in a wet room, this way they can recommend the proper type. Many companies offer wooden or laminated floor coverings dedicated to wet rooms. This provides more warmth to the room.
It is important that the accessories shall strengthen the mood mentioned above, so we have to choose the lamps, mirrors, handles, towel racks etc. carefully. Hang pictures on the walls fitting for the style also!
In Hungary, most of the bathrooms are small, therefore only the bathtub/shower, basin and washing machine can be placed in them. Sometimes, even the toilet is not separated, what’s more, without windows. However, room-like mood can be created here also. Ask for help of an interior designer for evolving.


Shower curtain

Shower curtains in a more spectacular way


Sheen of painted surfaces

When buying paints, it is a question beyond the color and the brand, what surface it will show. It’s practical to think over the following before purchasing, especially in case of wall paints.
Matte paint doesn’t reflect light, this way it perfectly hides the roughness of the surface. It has almost a chalk-like sight. Disadvantages: it’s hard to clean and abrades, scratched easily. It is recommended in low-requisitioning rooms (e.g. bedroom) and for ceiling.
Eggshell paint reflects light moderately, so it has light „gloss”. It is more resistant, it’s easier to clean but it shows the bigger irregularities of the surface. It is recommended in more intensive- requisitioning rooms (e.g. hallway) and for doors and window frames.
Surfaces treated with semi-gloss paint bear well more regular cleaning too, but this paint shows the irregularities of the surface. It reflects light to the room, this way it is useful in darker spaces. It is recommended in kitchen and bathroom.
Use gloss paint only if you don’t mind if the painted surface attracts the eyes. It is very durable, easiest to clean, but shows every little irregularity, that’s why it is very important to prepare well the surface before painting. It is recommended mostly for furniture.
Ask for help of an interior designer for choosing the proper paint.


Garden bench

Smart garden benches working as perfect focal points either


My project 13.

Designed for a competition: 88 sqm house for a young couple
Further pictures:


Minerals, semi-precious stones

Crystals, semi-precious stones and gems always enchanted people. Their shine, bright colors and rarity make them desirable. They come into view nowadays thanks to esotericism, horoscopes and naturopathy. By Feng Shui and horoscopic space organization, they broke into interior design also.
Beautiful colors of various crystals culminate by their light transmittance and light-reflecting features. Many people fell in love with such a color and want to choose it for their walls, furniture or accessories at home. But these objects – thanks to their materials – reflect light quite differently and definitely don’t transmit it. That is why it’s very hard to give a semi-precious stone color to other surfaces. Close to the perfect result can be reached by putting the crystal on a matte surface, first on a light, than a dark one, far away from direct light. Let’s match the color chart with it and choose the more compatible color with the real sight.
Various minerals can be bought in several shops in wide assortment according to their size and elaboration. It’s easy to decorate with semi-precious stones this way, but their price is relatively high.
We can be creative using them in addition to put them on the shelf, coffee table or mantelpiece. For example, make the handles of chest of drawers unique by gluing small semi-precious stones on them. We can also decorate a mirror, napkin ring, storage box, pot, curtain fringe etc. Buy pendants with small metal rings and sew them on cushions making beautiful accessories.
Ask for help of an interior designer creating a home (even esoteric) befitted for you.
