

Summer holiday begins with packing all the needed stuff in the suitcases. This happened the same way in old times also, but suitcases looked a bit different. They had no wheels, pull-out handles and combination locks. They were frequently made of leather/faux-leather with propping only in their frames. Box-like, inflexible-sided versions were popular too, which looked like very big briefcases. Quality pieces of old times often served a lifetime. They were even inherited through generations laying in attics or used as storages. In lucky case they had stickers of the visited towns on their sides. If we would like to keep these old pieces but use them also, give them a new life by transforming them to our needs.
Separate the two equal part of the suitcase at the hinges. Make a wooden brace frame created by a carpenter (if that is a flexible-sided suitcase, it needs a brace there too). Place two shelves in it, so that a computer can be fitted in. The ventilation and attaching cables are guaranteed because it is open in the front and the back also. Fix four small legs on the bottom.  Leave the original handle, locks and other parts on it, these are great decorating elements. It will look good placed beside the desk in a classic or even in an industrial interior.
Our pets deserve comfortable lairs, but those in shops are quite expensive. The old suitcase can be good for this purpose also with a little fantasy. Open the cover in right angle. Fix it in this position on both sides with braces. Drill four holes on the bottom for screwing the legs. Upholster a custom-cut foam or a big cushion with the desired (washable) fabric. Put it in the lower part of the suitcase, but it should cover the screws of the legs. We can pad the upper part too but if the lining remains visible, it will look very good also. There will be enough space even for our pet’s toys. This is a stylish lair for dogs and cats.
Suitcases can get a new life as wall shelves also. Cut into two parts lengthwise the closed, inflexible-sided suitcase. This way handle will be on one side, the hinges on the other. Fix it on the wall by a pre-drilled console, but the console should be hidden by it. Another solution: drill the suitcase on the wall uprightly. This way the wall cabinet has a sidelong opening „door” that can serve as a mini bar or a medicine cabinet.
Pile up several suitcases (if they are not inflexible-sided, they should be filled with e.g. polystyrene bricks). Reaching the desired height it will be a perfect night table. We can make a night table from one piece only if we fix long legs to the laid suitcase. The inflexible-sided variation is a much more practical choice for this.
Of course, antique suitcases will be showy using them as „only” storage boxes. Ask for help of an interior designer for more ideas.



Mauve is a soft shade of purple, it contains lots of grey and a tint of pink


Orient Express

When the train was the fastest way to travel continentally, one of them was world-famous. Its name was officially Orient Express from 1891.
It left Paris first in 1883, going to only Wien that time. The passengers were taken to Bulgaria on the Danube, where they got on another train to Varna, then reached Constantinople by ferryboat. The train went directly to Constantinople from 1889. It became so popular in the 1930s, that three trains ran parallel: on the lines Paris-Wien-Istanbul, Paris-Venice-Istanbul and Paris-Zürich-Athens.
Only first-class tickets were available, it was specifically a luxury train. The company used wooden framed, teak wood covered carriages until WWI, and dark blue steel framed carriages after it. Its kitchen was brilliant. One of the leading shareholders of Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits succeeded to enlist the Belgian King. Thanks to this, they could use the lion coat of arms. It could keep tally on sovereigns, spies, diplomats and business magnates as passengers, among others. The interiors of the carriages were luxurious. The original train contained five carriages and one engine. There were one baggage wagon on each end, two sleeping wagons and a restaurant car in the middle. The interior decoration after the WWI is a nice sample of Art Déco. Wall panels and doors were decorated with glass insets, works of the famous glassmaker, René Lalique. A bar and a salon were created beside the dining area. Every cabin had a small lavatory part. The beds were transformed to sofas for the day. The whole looked like a hotel for all your needs, not rolling on wheels.
Agatha Christie also travelled on the world-famous train. Probably this experience and the 11 days stand because of the snowdrift in 1929 gave her the idea to write one of her best detective stories (Murder on the Orient Express).


Small summer house

The rare-used, small summer house can be stylish, cosy and comfortable also


Summer table set

Create a pleasing summer mood at the table by seasonal table settings


Patterns of wood

In case of not solid wood products that have wooden patterns, the production companies try to help customers with the name which indicates the real wood it was inspired by. The fantasy name commonly has two parts: one of them is the name of the natural wood (e.g. oak), the other one refers to the color (e.g. mocha) but could refer to the origin (e.g. American) or to the surface (e.g. rustic) also. Almost all companies have different products under even the same natural wood name. This way the customer is in a hard situation if he or she would like to have an integrated look in e.g. the kitchen by choosing a laminated floor and countertop with the same pattern.
Let’s see some common types of wood of the temperate zone and their short characterization, without limitation (for raw, untreated surface).
Oak: The color is yellowish brown. The pattern is strong, gives an almost masculine look to the product. It is very durable because of the high tannic acid content. This is the most commonly used wooden material in furniture industry.
Pine: The color is from yellowish white to reddish brown, depends on the species. The pattern is strong, characteristic, nervure is frequently spotted with nodes. It is cheap, easy-to-work with, well stainable.
Beech: The color is reddish white (smoked flesh color). The pattern is homogeneous with hardly visible, soft nervure. It is well-turnable, well-bendable when smoked.
Maple: The color is white, sometimes with yellowish tint. The pattern is equable, soft designed because of the light color. It is sectile without splints, well bleachable and stainable.
Cherry: Reddish brown color which deepens with time. The nervure is decorative, softer  than oak. It is well polishable with grinding.
Walnut: The color is greyish brown. Lacquering shows the nervure at the best. It is well carvable. The nervure of walnut root is rich, multicolored and strong. It is exotic, therefore it’s expensive.
If the same pattern and color is important when choosing products with the imitation of wood, it is recommended to take a sample of the existent furniture (e.g. a shelf) or the other chosen sample product to the shop for comparing them.
Ask for help of an interior designer for the perfect accordance.


Fried Castle Hotel

Fried Castle Hotel Simontornya through the eyes of the guest (2016)


Shutters DIY

Creatively repurposed old shutters


Brick floor

Old and sliced bricks can be reused as floor covering – perfect solution for classic country styles


Classic from modern

When classic style lovers buy a completely renovated flat, they frequently have to face with the fact that the newly built-in materials (kitchen cabinet, lighting, tiles, doors and windows etc.) are totally modern. Since these were included in the price and probably, they didn’t choose a flat in such a condition randomly, only a few of them would undertake a full conversion just for the classic style. How could be this solved with a low budget and few works to meet our conception at the best?
Choosing the proper wall color means a lot for the sight, since one of the advantages of classic styles is that the desired mood can be easily created even with colors. Painting can be done before moving in and it is much cheaper and faster than wallpapering. Placing polystyrene crown molding is always worth. It not only heightens the room but it is an elegant solution also. Rosette fits perfectly for chandeliers. Faux wall panel frames made of polystyrene laths can be put on the walls which look good even in the same color as the wall. However, this material is very vulnerable, so be careful not to hit it.
Let’s glue a frame made of thin laths on the plain surfaces of the built-in wardrobes and kitchen cabinets, just like if they would be real framed. A prefabricated decor panel can be used for this purpose also. Both of them can be painted / burnished to the color of the furniture. Changing the handles is a really simple procedure and amends a lot.
If there is no possibility to change the lighting and the chandelier is modern, or there is a multi-light spot, don’t be frustrated. Glass beads similar to crystal chandeliers’ decoration can be purchased in several hobby shops – let’s make the garlands DIY and fix them with small metal rings to the lamps. Its modernity can be moderated with this and some glamour can be smuggled in.
If the doors have completely plain surfaces, they can be popped up in the similar way as the cabinets. In the case of a glassed variation, self-adhesive foil can be a solution to make it more classic, for example with a lace motif.
Most of the inappropriate floor can be covered with a fitting classic style carpet. The modern tile in the bathroom is a harder thing. If the color is good, we can distract the eye from it with classic style accessories (storage boxes, decorative glasses, pictures on the wall). If its color is too modern and it doesn’t fit for our concept at all, it can be painted also. However, it should be known, that this is not a long-term solution, it lasts approx 2-3 years (in the case of a proper implementation) and it could happen that the painting has to be renewed during this time.
Above the low budget was in focus, of course, more spectacular solutions can be done with a bigger amount. Many similar questions can come up in the case of a modern interior. Ask for help of an interior designer for the solution.
