
Spring cleaning

It’s time to spring cleaning. This tradition nowadays may seem to be a bit illogical, since we are not bound to seasons anymore in this field of housework, thanks to the modern household devices and heating systems. The relevance of this was much bigger in old times, firstly where the winter is cold and snowy.
The „heating season” lasted from late autumn to early spring which meant generally open spaced, wood burning fireplaces, so smoke, soot, dirt of logs and ash left long-lasting marks in homes. The floor, the walls, furniture, fabrics etc. all got dirty. In those times, people couldn’t afford to cool out their home during a winter cleaning, since heating the houses was an expensive and slow procedure (the poor even had no possibility for this). So, the first opportunity for a big cleaning was at the beginning of spring. Carpets were shaken out, curtains were washed, everything was thoroughly dusted, the house was ventilated, washed and re-freshened.
However, spring cleaning may have a wider meaning. This is an opportunity for re-freshening body and soul, making order in our home and in ourselves with the help of Feng Shui. The first step always should be the garbage. Throw off everything which is surplus, defective/broken, outgrown etc. including clothes, household and decorating objects and „will-be-good-for-something” piles also. The things, which are reparable, should be repaired, everything else which is still useful should be sold or donated. If something new is wanted to be attracted, we have to create the opportunity to have space for it in or lives and homes.
The second step is an accurate cleaning. Don’t skip any tiny nook. This helps the flow of positive energies. If it is finished, let’s wash ourselves also. If we feel the need of it, let’s make an additional space-cleaning with incense. It will be much better to spend time at the re-freshened home.
The third step is systematization. Surprisingly lots of space can be gained by grouping the rest of the objects, putting them in practical storages or just neatly packing them. The secret of keeping order is put everything back where it was taken from the same way. This requires much less time than making an order again in the evolved chaos.
Ask for help of an interior designer who skilled at this for systemization of your home and improving its energies.


Farmhouse style

Farmhouse style: neutral colors, natural materials, vintage accessories and decoration elements


Feng Shui – career

Job and career are important for everybody, because these provide livelihood. We can strengthen this life area also with the help of Feng Shui, improving our quality of live.
The area attached to this in our home is the living room in the case of men and kitchen in the case of women, but the living room represents this category in general. These are connected to marks of Sun and Moon, namely mean the nature of paterfamilias and materfamilias. This is so if there is a single person or a couple without children.
Usually these aims have to be reached (without limitation) in a career:
– help of promotion
– starting own proposition
– help changing workplace
– achieving honorable mention at workplace
It is true in every Feng Shui advice that it has to be customized to the certain person and space, there are no two identical cases. Generally speaking, energizing effect of red color helps improving the best of things connected with money/career. However, you have to pay attention to the quantity, because too much of everything can do harm. Besides, the effect on a person is not a negligible since there are many who doesn’t like this color. In this case pink and strong orange could also help. Small changes can create big difference, you don’t have to think of changing the sofa to a red one or painting the whole room.
We can activate the Wealth/Success corner (4th) of Bagua map with red color also. It’s the best to place here all the things connected to job (home office or just a desk). Don’t forget to activate 9th life area (Fame/Reputation) with it also in this case.
The aim should be set out firmly, we have to draw it clearly to ourselves what we want to reach. Writing this on a paper is the best, as detailed as possible. For example: what should be the profile of the new company, what kind of colleagues to have, minimum salary, working time and some similar. Be grateful for what you have already achieved: present job, position, salary etc. (Sometimes it’s not easy…). Attitude depends only on us, nobody can be positive instead of us.
Everybody is the master of his/her destiny, so changes can be achieved by oneself. Feng Shui provides the toolbar, an interior designer who has massive bases in the area, provides a helping hand for this.


Pantone Colors of the years

A little summary: colors of the years chronologically announced by Pantone
2000 – Cerulean
2001 – Fuchsia Rose
2002 – True Red
2003 – Aqua Sky
2004 – Tigerlily
2005 – Blue Turquoise
2006 – Sand Dollar
2007 – Chili Pepper
2008 – Blue Iris
2009 – Mimosa
2010 – Turquoise
2011 – Honeysuckle
2012 – Tangerine Tango
2013 – Emerald
2014 – Radiant Orchid
2015 – Marsala
2016 – Rose Quartz & Serenity
2017, 2018, 2019 – found in my previous articles


Feng Shui – relationship

Space organizing and living-space analysis based on Feng Shui become more accepted in Hungary also. A wider range of people make sure that well used principles and helping accessories are working anywhere – independently of culture, country, or faith.
Relationship is one of the areas which mostly desired to equilibrate, to improve or even to create. In our home, bedroom is the primary area of this, unsurprisingly. This space represents both sexes, even if only one person lives there. It embodies love and sex in the relationship (marks of Venus and Mars), the changes are made here will have an effect on these. In the case of ladies, the other similar space is the bathroom which affects on femininity and ego. These frequently have close relation…
Usually these aims have to be reached (without limitation) in a relationship:
– long-term relationship instead of short intrigues
– attracting a „different” person from the former partners
– reconversion of the present relationship’s harmony
– reviving/increasing sexuality
All this kind of analysis should begin with understanding the present situation and the mapping of the given space. During this, many things may occur which were not even recognized by the person who desires the changes. Detailed conversation and question-and-answer can help to punctually draw up the required changes and the tools to reach them with. There are common rules (e.g. objects placed in pairs), scientifically proven facts (e.g. physiological effects of colors) and principles also to which we must adjust. BUT! All cases are different since everybody is an individual personality with own life situation and the properties may be widely different too. This is why an analysis like this is totally personalized.
Keeping the balance is important since the bedroom is also the place of the night recovering beside this. Many times, alterations that look very small – removing or even purchasing an object – can result a significant change. The things mentioned above are adaptable in the case of the property is not our own or just one room is fully possessed.
Everybody is the master of his/her destiny, so changes can be achieved by oneself. Feng Shui provides the toolbar, an interior designer who has massive bases in the area, provides a helping hand for this.


Backyard patio

If we have space and opportunity to make a spectacular backyard patio


Black metal

Black metal home accessories are more and more fashionable


Flower patterns

Flower and plant patterns have always played an important role in interior design. In the case of country properties, they showed the outside nature in inner rooms, in urban surroundings they made up for nature. There are almost endless ranges of wallpapers and fabrics in this topic, but there are some which are „evergreen”.
Rose symbolizes romance, femininity and country elegance. It can be found in almost every scale depending on style, from tiny patterns to wall-posters. These not necessarily follow the colors of the real flowers but it is not disturbing at all. We can find a proper accessory even for modern style as black-and-white and stylized (e.g. Macintosh rose) patterns.
The patterns, which depict only green or predominantly green plants are features of country styles, but they look good even in a children’s room. Ferns, topiaries, vegetables and ivy are good examples for this. Jungle pattern is in fashion for 2-3 years, it is used almost in every rooms. The scale of the pattern is mostly big. Green (depending on the hue) is a calming color and suggests close-to-nature. These can be found in „colorless” varieties also which provides wider scale of usage.
Lavender has unbroken popularity as epitome of Provence style. The color is given here: hues of lavender (purple). The scale of the pattern is small or middle. The country effect is evident.
Among fruit patterns there are more which may provide a more playful effect. They were frequently used by pop art, retro and disco styles. Of course, the totally classic variations are just as exciting, think about pomegranate and strawberry patterns of William Morris, for example.
Naturally, there are many other plants among patterns beside the mentioned above (e.g. tulip, leaves, poppy, dandelion and hydrangea). The biggest factories produce same collections of wallpapers and fabrics for harmonizing the furnishing of a room both in color and pattern.
Ask for help of an interior designer for creating a botanical themed interior.



HomeScapes: interior design game for classic styles fans ?


Emerald green

Emerald green is a strong, cool (with a tint of blue), dark hue of green which shows the precious stone’s luxury. This was the color of the year in 2013.
