
Edible decoration 4.

Edible decorations for Easter


Pot rack

DIY hanging pot racks in the name of recycling


Feng Shui – health

If we are often ill or recognize negative changes in our feelings or our mood, it’s worth to examine our home and wardrobe from the aspect of Feng Shui.
The effects that the five elements have on us may have impact on health life area also. Overdosing an element is just as bad as the lack of it. The basic essence of Feng Shui is making and keeping balance. For example, the lack of water element can cause lightheadedness and excessive presence of it can cause emotional insecurity. Naturally every color is originated to one of the elements, so using too much of them or on the contrary, lack of them can cause health symptoms. For example, the lack of red may cause skin dryness, too much of it may cause impatience or fury. We can treat the shortage with the colors, shapes, materials of the element or with the proper element of the Feng Shui’s productive cycle. We can balance the overdosing (if there is no possibility to remove a part of it) with the proper element of Feng Shui’s exhaustive or destructive cycle. For example, in the case of lack of metal we could help with black-and-white patterns and can hold in it with the help of fire and water elements. Since the life areas of the Bagua map are connected with one of the elements, the partial or whole lack of them can reveal themselves this way also.
Jin and Jang have influence on our life too.  Commonly everybody has features of both of them. However, if it is out of balance somehow, this could have negative health effects. For example, excessive Jin might cause moist skin, depression, excessive Jang might result in stress, constipation. Therefore, pay attention to clothing also (colors, patterns, fabrics).
It’s worthy to pay attention to other things which affect to our health also, out of the theme of Feng Shui. This is the quantity of swallet, geomagnetic radiation and electro smog. Have them measured if possible, especially if we are tense for a long time (without obvious reason), sleep badly, frequently have pain in a part of our body when wake up. The latter can be caused by visible beams going through above that part of the body. It’s worth to look after these before purchasing a new property.
There was about long-term effects. Ask for help of an interior designer who has massive bases in the area for space analysis of your home.


Cherry tree

Cherry tree blossom feast (sakura) has begun in Japan. The light pink flowers could inspire the furnishing of a room


Feng Shui – children

When we configure the rooms of our children, usually we don’t think it over from the aspect of Feng Shui. However, we can help the children a lot in their growth, their well-being, learning etc., if we consciously do to this on purpose. The 7th life area of Bagua map is connected to Creativeness/Children.
As usual, it is still true: the certain space has to be defined for the personality of whom lives there. A room of a child is multifunctional: this is the place for learning (home office), for sleeping (bedroom) and for relaxation (game-room) also. At the same time, the size of it is small compared to these, so we have to pay attention to how we furnish it.
Usually the wishes of children matter when choosing colors. But it’s worth to figure out why that certain color is liked. It’s not the same if he/she saw it somewhere else and this is why it is wished or he/she desires this color indeed. The latter tells so much about. Physiological effects of colors prevail in the children room also, it’s worth to harmonize this with the habitus of the child. For example, the energizing effect of red can be good for a shy, retreating child, but it is not a clever choice in the case of a hyperactive child. Yellow color helps concentration and learning, which can be useful especially before exams.
It frequently happens that two children share one room which is solved by the parents with a bunk bed. The upper part should be given to the more extrovert child. If one of the parents raises child(ren) alone, put the missing parent’s photo in the children room (only if the child has no negative memories attached to it!). If it is not possible, we can use Feng Shui symbols instead of it. For example, a picture of a lion in the case of a missing father, a moon shaped object in the case of a missing mother.
If a baby has been desired for a long time, some changes maybe help. Let’s examine our way of life: Are we always in a hurry? Are there programs after programs and we hardly have time for ourselves? Are we always working overtime, sometimes doing it even at the weekend? If so, it’s time to slow down and prepare for the role of a mother. We have to create the space for what we desire, so look at the future nursery: if it is a lumber room right now then clean it and make a real room of it, even if not the crib will be there temporarily. The mother marks of the kitchen should be examined also for its helping role.
Ask for help of an interior designer who has massive bases in the area for creating the room of the children.


Weather vane

An old fashioned weather vane may be useful for the nowadays treacherous weather also


Kitchen islands

Unique and clever kitchen islands


Fence coverings

When we move to a new house, it can happen that the fence of our neighbor is not aesthetical enough. Although our house and garden are neat, we cannot ignore what we see from the window or terrace. Since it is not our property, it can’t be changed, but there are other solutions.
The fence can be covered with panels made of rush/cane purchasable in rolls. We can choose among several heights and their price is quite good. They should be fixed to the fence with wires. Since it is a natural material, fits for most of the gardens.
The side of the fence towards us can be even painted. It will be probably a great complementary of the sight in a bright color, so the handicap could be turned into a benefit this way. Mostly choosing green color similar to the plants around can help a lot, this way we get an opposite effect, namely the fence will fade into the sight. More creative or playful people can paint a landscape or any other „painting” on it. The special mood is guaranteed.
Planting a hedge or higher shrubs in front of it is a simpler but more expensive solution (holly berry, thuja, cherry-laurel etc.). Large surface of the embarrassing fence can be covered with denser planting.
Also a „green” solution to fix a grid to the fence and let the plants grow up on it. The trellis can be shaped, this way a more complex sight can be reached when the plants grow over it. Always take notice of the features of the soil and the sunlight penetration when choosing and planting plants.
If we are looking for a less fixed solution, we can pop up the sight with potted plants and several decorating elements. For example, plants in color pots can be placed at the bottom of the fence. The surface of the fence can be decorated with picture frames in bright colors, mirrors (take care of reflecting the sunlight!), wall mounted flower holders or other objects we like and which bear the changing weather. Many decorative objects can be found for this from the bicycle wheel, through letters made of wood, to bird feeders. Using bright colors is not necessary if the style of the garden/house requires something else.
Ask for help of an interior designer for making the outdoor parts of the house esthetic.


Bishop purple

Bishop purple is a very bold, dominant hue which contains much more red than blue. It was named after the formal vestment of the ecclesiastical dignity.


Paint palette 17.

Paint palettes inspired by hobbies
