
Lighting candles correctly

Using candles for mood lighting is very popular, in any time of the year. More expensive branded, scented candles are beloved also. In this case it might be more important that they burn clean, as long as it is possible with using most of their materials. These can be reached with some tricks and attention.
One of the mistakes is not to let the candle burn long enough at the first ignition. The size of the wax pool around the wick determines the life of the candle. This should be the biggest, close enough to the edge of the candle, unless it leaves a rim which won’t melt later. For this, burn a new candle for 1 hour per 2.5 cm in diameter.
A wick that is too long can cause a candle to start smoking. Keep your wick trimmed at all times, this results a steady flame, which means the candle’s burning process is in balance. The ideal length is 6 mm.
A candle that is in a draught can start flickering and will likely smoke, which causes a candle to start dripping. The solution is simple: don’t put the candle in the draught.
If the candle is placed in a lantern or container, make sure that air can flow freely for providing steady burning. The container should be big enough and open on top and bottom. This way the flame won’t flicker and smoke.
Candles are too close to each other can heat and melt each other which cause dripping and warping. Avoiding this, the ideal gap between the candles of a group is at least 10 cm.
When using candles, always take care of placing them away from inflammable materials and never let them unattended. Safety is first!


Mixing grey

Grey color can be made in two ways:
– mixing black and white – in this case a cool grey will be the result
– mixing two supplementary colors – in this case a neutral grey will be the result


Autumn hallway

In the rainy and cool autumn weather it is important to have enough space in the entryway not only for coats and bags but for muddy shoes, wet umbrellas and caps, scarfs also when arriving home



Renaissance has three periods in history of art:
– Trecento (1300s) – early Renaissance. Major artists: Giotto, Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Antonio Pisanello
– Quattrocento (1400s) – high Renaissance. Major artists: Fra Angelico, Botticelli, Brunelleschi
– Trecento (1500s) – Mannerism. Major artists: Leonardo da Vinci, Raffaello, Michelangelo


Interior desing advice based on Feng Shui

I offer the interior desing advice based on Feng Shui to those, who would like to improve any parts of their life. Space organizing may give solution for categories like:
– unhappy relationship
– getting the desired job / position
– health problems
– having harmonious family life
– etc.
Our home has an effect on us, make sure that this effect is positive!


Classic chapiters

Classic Greek columns (Doric, Ionic, Corinthian) are frequently used not only in architecture but in interior design also


Other autumn decor

Autumn decoration ideas without flowers and crops



A today shop can be traditionally elegant also


Hotel Bambara

Hotel Bambara in Felsőtárkány through the eyes of the guest (2019)


Powder rose

Powder pink is a soft pastel shade, in the half way between soft pink and light beige. Since it has a “dusty” pink effect, the interior won’t be too sweet, however it’s worth to counterweight it with neutral colors (e.g. grey, brown, white, beige). It was named after the cosmetic powder.
