

Christmas decoration ideas made of simple pinecones



Ecru is a favourite color in interior design, because it is neutral, light and natural. Its name comes from the French word „écru”, which means raw or unbleached. This is the color of raw linen or silk fabrics. It contains brown, yellow and a tint of grey. This is rather masculin among similar hues. It is perfect for both basic and accent color.


Candy cane

Candy cane is one of the most popular chocolate-free festive sweets. Its history goes back to 1670. The choirmaster of Cologne Cathedral bent sugar sticks into the shape of canes to represent a shepherd’s staff. These were given out to children during the nativity scene. The cane was then all-white.
Handing out candy canes during Christmas soon spread throughout Europe. It reached America in 1847, when a German immigrant decorated his Christmas tree with candy canes. Striped candy cane appeared only at the turn of the century with red-white stripes. Around that time, it was flavored by peppermint, which finally became the traditional flavoring.
Candy canes were made by hand, a machine had been developed only in 1950 which could bend the sticks, with this providing the mass production and selling them worldwide.
Nowadays candy canes are produced in almost every color. However, the red-white version is still the most popular during Christmas preparations. Green-white and red-green-white stripes are also available.
This traditional striping is applied by the producers on many other Christmas products and decorations, since there is a high demand because of its popularity. Only some examples to mention: Christmas tree ornament in various shapes, wrapping papers, sweets with different shapes, lighting decorations. The candy cane is also used as Christmas tree ornament and decoration element instead of eating it.
Ask for help of an interior designer for stylish Christmas decorations.


Postcard decor

Let’s use our favourite Christmas cards as decorations


Christmas pickle

According to the tradition in the USA, an ornamental pickle is placed on the Christmas tree as one of the Christmas decorations. On Christmas morning, the first child to find the pickle on the tree would receive an extra present from Santa Claus or would be said to have a year of good fortune.


Color of the year 2020

Every December Pantone company announces the color of the next year which effects interior design also. Classic Blue no. 19-4052 is the color of the year 2020.
This is a calming, medium dark blue, which is a cool but not too cold color. “Classic” attributive suggests that this hue is timeless, elegant and diffuses harmony. It symbolizes reconveyance of old values.
It is perfect both for base color and focal point. Since it is not a vivid color, it can be used in a large amount, even on all the four walls. A neutral color palette can be easily popped-up with it, without being too determining. Blue is not a food color, so use it moderately in the kitchen and dining room. It fits well for almost all styles.
Ask for help of an interior designer for making the color of the year 2020 appear in your home in style.



Not only built-in cookers can be practical and stylish


Citrus Christmas

Fresh citrus Christmas decoration ideas


Toilette accessories

Antique (like) accessories for the smallest room – it can be stylish also


The turkey

Turkey is the main decoration motif of Thanksgiving
