
TV2 interview

My interview by interior design series “Szépítők” of TV2 can be seen on this link. It starts right after the short introduction.


Covered with mirror

When mirror is not on the wall: special, elegant, full of light


Poster wallpaper

The fashionable custom-made poster wallpaper is looking good in a classic interior too, if the right picture is chosen for it


Sheen of painted surfaces

When buying paints, it is a question beyond the color and the brand, what surface it will show. It’s practical to think over the following before purchasing, especially in case of wall paints.
Matte paint doesn’t reflect light, this way it perfectly hides the roughness of the surface. It has almost a chalk-like sight. Disadvantages: it’s hard to clean and abrades, scratched easily. It is recommended in low-requisitioning rooms (e.g. bedroom) and for ceiling.
Eggshell paint reflects light moderately, so it has light „gloss”. It is more resistant, it’s easier to clean but it shows the bigger irregularities of the surface. It is recommended in more intensive- requisitioning rooms (e.g. hallway) and for doors and window frames.
Surfaces treated with semi-gloss paint bear well more regular cleaning too, but this paint shows the irregularities of the surface. It reflects light to the room, this way it is useful in darker spaces. It is recommended in kitchen and bathroom.
Use gloss paint only if you don’t mind if the painted surface attracts the eyes. It is very durable, easiest to clean, but shows every little irregularity, that’s why it is very important to prepare well the surface before painting. It is recommended mostly for furniture.
Ask for help of an interior designer for choosing the proper paint.


Blue-white chinas

Antique blue-white chinas are perfect inspirations for classic interiors


Castle Hotel Puchner

Castle Hotel Puchner in Bikal through the eyes of the guest (2010)


Outdoor furniture indoor

We can boldly use garden furniture indoor


Hotel Sacher

Hotel Sacher Wien through the eyes of the guest (2010)



Usage of natural wood has a prominent role in interior design. Mankind used it in their homes from the very beginning, because it always meant an easily accessible, workable and decorated material. Floor covering, furniture, wall paneling, domestic objects, decorating ornaments were made of it, moreover still whole houses are built using only wood.
Wooden materials are separated into two groups: softwood and hardwood. It refers to the hardness of the material, how resistant it is against mechanical impacts. The elements of the previous group (e.g. pines, aspen, willow) are much more easily workable, but the latters (e.g. oak, beech, ebony) are much more durable.
When using wood, care should be taken to ensure, the used material is not faulty, since the durability and aesthetics of the product is the issue. The stunted growth (e.g. tortuosity, knur), spots caused by pests (e.g. fungus, dry rot, wood-beetle) and by inappropriate storage (e.g. casting, crack) worsen the capabilities of usage. A good professional notices these and chooses only fine quality material.
The surface of the wood should be treated. This could be oiling, when the oil soaks into the surface, but the nervure and the original color remains clearly visible. This is true for waxing also. Lacquering creates a translucent protective layer on the surface of the material. After burnishing the nervure remains visible also, but the color changes. Painting covers both the color and the pattern of the wood (in case of a less decorative wooden material, this is a good choice).
Examine with a professional’s eye the wood furniture or building elements, bought used or brand new. In case of uncertainty, ask for help of a wood specialist about the chosen pieces before purchasing.
If you also would like to see the beauty of solid wood in your home, ask for help of an interior designer for planning.


Wall clocks

The good wall clock not only functional but fits perfectly into the style of the interior
