
Library ladder

Library ladders used in other rooms


Wall decorations

We can decorate our walls with other decorative objects than pictures


Trompe l’oeil 2.

Trompe l’oeil (French: deceive the eye) is an art technique that uses realistic imagery to create the optical illusion that the depicted objects exist in three dimensions


Decorative lighting 2.

Instead of hiding the lighting fixtures make the lamps and chandeliers part of the room decor


White Christmas

Snowhite Christmas – in the interior



Terracotta color was named after pottery made of clay (terra cotta = baked clay). It is based on orange which contains a pintch of brown, this way it looses strength and becomes a more subdued earth color. It is warm and close to nature, its friendly effect makes the space cozy.


Color ceiling

Don’t be afraid of painting a color ceiling!



Cream color is produced by mixing white and some yellow. In interior design, it is frequently used instead of pure white, when it would convey too vivid or steril impression. A vintage effect can be reached by using it, which fits perfectly for antique objects. It was named after the milk of cattles grazing on fields rich in yellow flowers.



Mirror is both a functional and a decorating object, so let’s choose the proper one carefully for our home – it can be a ready made piece from a store, a custom made from a framer or even an atique one.


Home staging 2.

The essence of Home Staging is to make the property desired for the prospective buyers. This is the hardest task when the property is inhabited during the selling procedure. In this case, the main task is depersonalizing. It is important to highlight good givens and to show space connections and exploitation.
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