Christmas cracker

Christmas cracker is a popular tradition in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Commonwealth countries. The happy and playful gift was adopted by many countries already, but it is frequently used on other festive or even birthday parties also.
Its base is a zig-zag segmented cardboard tube which is wrapped in color paper, just like a huge fondant. Commonly red, green and gold colors are dominant. When it is pulled apart by two people at its two ends, it has a mild bang sound. As to the tradition, it is a part of the Christmas table set, there is one of it on every plates of the guests. There are small objects inside the cracker: a paper crown (which is worn during the dinner), a quote or riddle, a small toy, for adults another small thing instead of toy (for example bijou).
Its origin dates back to the 1840s. It was invented by a sweets-seller in London, to wrap bonbons in a similar tube. When the sales began to decline, he did a trick and inserted love messages on papers near the sweets. The idea of adding the crackle element came when he heard the crackle of logs on the fire. The variation with presents was introduced and made popular by his son.
Christmas cracker set commonly of 3, 6 or 12 pieces are sold in several places in the Anglo-Saxon countries. It can be purchased in several sizes and all colors of the rainbow. The sets for children and adults are separated. However, it can be made easily by DIY with a toilet paper roll and a Christmas wrapping paper.
Let’s try this funny present this year if you would like to surprise your family at the festive table.


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