Although summer is over, seaside style is popular independently from seasons. It means travelling, mental and physical freedom, serenity and calmness for most people. However, the question arises in interior design: which beach is desired to be evoked at home? Although the accessories specific to the style(s) (seashells, cord, objects connected to sailing, driftwood etc.) are the same, there is a significant difference in color usage among beaches of various places.
In the case of Mediterranean countries commonly white is the basic color but very light sand and hues of beige can be used for the base also. The leading colors paired to this are turquoise blue and green, cobalt blue and sky blue – all of them are bright shades.
It reflects well the cooler weather of the North-European sea-sides that mostly the primary colors are chosen besides the white or off-white base: navy blue, red, bright yellow, probably supplemented with dark orange and grass green.
Light grey is the basic color in Canada and in the northern counties of USA, following the austere weather. It can be both warm and cold hue. The colors paired with this are much more moderated: steel-blue, storm-grey, greyish brown, dark red, navy blue and less often blue water.
Really warm seaside of Florida and California are favorite holiday destinations also. The base can be white but some kind of light beige too. The colors used are quite subdued: blue water, mint green, coral, light yellow, light turquoise, maybe pink.
Warm weather and rich vegetation of Indian Ocean’s archipelago is reflected in that the basic color is frequently among the warm but dark browns of tropical woods. White accompanies to this as contrast and freshening element. Bright greens, pink, turquoise and canary yellow are the pop of colors (exotic flowers).
Of course, listing could be continued. The mentioned above shows well that seaside style has many faces, so it is important to make it clear before implementing, what this style really means to us. Mostly a nice memory is the basis which indicates the place also. Ask for help of an interior designer for reaching the desired result.