Historical colors

In the case of a low-budget renovation, where only a wall painting is possible, or wallpapering, maybe changing one or two furniture, colors have more important role. Their power is frequently underestimated, some people are afraid of them also. They are afraid that a stronger color might be boring soon, so they decide to choose white or pastel shades. The desired style is tried to be reached by excessive amount of decorating objects.
It is quite easy with classic historical styles. Every era had characteristic color hues which determined the mood of interiors of that time. Of course, all the colors of the rainbow were used then also, though there was always a shade of color which was among the most popular in its era. If these colors are used during renovating, a success can be reached with less effort. Although the mixed paint by a color code is more expensive than the ready-made versions, it is worth to spend it for the effect. In the case of wallpaper, pattern can be so important too.
Some extracted examples: using of ebony black, gold and golden yellow was typify Empire style. Vine red, olive green and warm dark browns were common in Victorian style interiors. We associate to bubble gum pink, butter yellow and light turquoise blue from the 50s. Edwardian style is characterized by magnolia, bluish grey and off-white.
Don’t afraid of color painting the ceiling, doors and windows or even moldings, beside the walls. Draw inspiration from the pictures of interiors of the given era. Surviving buildings are commonly restored with using historically accurate colors, so we can see the total effect. Let’s be daring because painting is the easiest and cheapest way of makeover, so even if we make a mistake, it is remediable easily.
Ask for help of a color adviser/interior designer if you have doubts about the proper color-usage.


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