
Paisley pattern is a drop-shaped, floral pattern curving at the end. It can have different names in different cultures, for example: cypress, mango, almond.
It has eastern origin which got to Europe by the East India Company in the second half of the 17th century. Later it became really popular by the silk and wool cashmere scarves which were imported and brought home from the Indian colonies. Their prices were quite high.
The mass production of the printed paisley patterned fabrics started in Marseilles and this was followed later by England and Holland. However, the weaving machine, which appeared during the industrial revolution, made possible to copy the pattern. The largest production company was in Paisley in Scotland, the pattern was named also after this town. They worked with five colors since 1800, while other companies worked with only two colors. 15 colors were used since 1860 on the same piece which was still the quarter of the color usage of the original imported fabrics. It was produced in Paisley not only as a woven wool fabric but as printed cotton also. The latter was much cheaper, this way it reached a wide range of people. The original fabric was still imported in a big amount because it was so popular.
The beat generation in the 60s loved to wear paisley patterned clothes. Nowadays paisley has kept its oriental character but it fits for several classic styles because of its wide range of size and color. Even the align of the pattern isn’t set. It appears not only on upholsteries but on wallpaper, carpets and accessories also.
If you also like this pattern, ask for help of an interior designer for the choice fitting for your home.


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