Moroccan style

Moroccan style is one of the favorites among eastern interior trends. It means exoticism, mystery, fabulousness and eastern comfort to many people.
The architectural elements give the basis of the style. Its characteristic features are pointed arches, curved door openings, trellises and keyhole motifs. The yard of the houses is inside the building, separated from the outside world. On the one hand, they protect the privacy with this, on the other hand, this garden area helps to keep the house cool even in the big heat. It is an Arabian country, so the human and animal motifs are not allowed. They use geometrical shapes and floral motifs instead.
The colors are the most impressive in Moroccan homes. White or neutral walls give the background for the vibrant colored seats, accessories and carpets: bright oranges and greens, turquoises, shades of purple, red and saffron are the most significant. Summarized, these are the colors of spices and precious stones.
Richly carved wooden commodes, tables and screens can be dark brown of course, just like painted or inlayed. Using ornate concretes and tiles provide the coolness of the interiors in the tropical country, used not only as floor tiles but as decorating elements around doors and windows and pavement of fountains also. Handcraft carpets are laid on the floor. Comfort is provided by the several fabrics. Cushions, poufs and pillows bring colors in the sight.
The beautiful metal accessories are commonly made of copper or bronze. Inwrought lanterns and lantern shaped candle holders are the main features of lighting, which cast fine shadows on the walls. Decorating elements made of mirror reflect the light.
There are many shops even in Hungary selling eastern (style) accessories and furniture. Ask for help of an interior designer for creating a Moroccan style home.


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