
The fireplace is the heart of the home, it symbolizes the stove. Maybe that’s why we are attracted so much to it. Warm coziness can be created in every flat or house by it, just the proper type has to be chosen.
Nothing is more pleasurable than the sound and sight of the flaming and crisp logs. The most important requirement of using a wood-burning fireplace is a properly ventilated chimney. The license even won’t be given without this. If our house has the required features, let’s select among the most beautiful fireplaces. However, regular revision and maintenance by a specialist is important for avoiding accidents. Disadvantages of wood-burning type: ash with dust and soot, and continuous filling of the log pile. It gives warmth in a couple of meters.
Installing gas heated fireplaces is a subject to authorization also. There are strict rules for piping and building the chimney. The flame is real but in a more regulated way. Handling it is much easier, since only a switch has to be turned for burning. There is no dusty afterwork. It warms really only in one or two meters far.
Bioethanol fireplaces can be put anywhere in any sizes. No license is needed for them because no harmful materials are produced during burning. No pipes and no chimney are needed. It has real flames which is easily controllable and can be turned off. But take care for keeping the combustion chamber clean because the coated dust could smell bad when lit. It gives minimal warmth.
Electric fireplaces are the cleanest types. They can be turned on and off with just pushing a button. It can be placed anywhere where a proper fuse-board and a meter are set. But its flame is not real and gives no warmth.
Ask for help of an interior designer for choosing the fireplace in proper type and style for your home.


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