Library at home

Each real book lover dreams of an own library. Well, placing several hundred books in a smaller house or even in an apartment is really not an easy job.
The most fortunate ones can arrange a separate room for this purpose. This is the ideal situation. We can stand bookshelves in front of the walls up to the ceiling, the pitches can be adjusted to the different book sizes. The best solution is the tailor made and built in furniture, which can be highly customized. If the room is not North oriented, curtains or blinders should be applied to the windows to prevent the books from direct sunlight. In the middle, a comfortable armchair can be placed with a small table and a lamp. Walls and ceiling can be painted with dark hues – the room will be a perfect “nest” for reading.
Our collection can be exhibited in the living room as well. Generally, this is the most used room in a flat, frequently visited by the whole family. Pay attention for the safety of the books if eating, drinking, partying, or children are playing here. Practical solution to purchase bookshelves with a closed cabinet at the bottom. By this, the books can be placed up from above 80 cm. Even more safe, if the bookshelves have glassed door panels: the books are securely stored and even the view remains. Since window blinding is not too practical, place the bookshelves on the wall near the window. The situation is the same, if the library is placed in the dining room.
General solution is placing the books in the workroom. A desk with the necessary accessories don’t require too much place, the free wall surface can be used to store our books. Eliminating direct sunlight is also a problem here, it must be solved at least we are not in the room.
In a one-room apartment the books are practically in the bedroom. It is changing by people, who finds this disturbing, or relaxing when preparing to sleep. In the first case we can store our books in a closed cabinet with cathedral glass or wooden door panels. Don’t place bookshelf above the bed!
It’s important to take care of the books. Once a year they have to be dusted. They have to be stored in horizontal position, not too close to each-other. Protect them from dust and direct sunlight.
You have collected a lot of books, but you don’t know how to store them a way, that is decorative and safe, using the space available optimally? Ask help from an interior designer for planning and implementing.


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