Using wallpaper is popular again in the recent years, thanks to the good quality and exclusive assortment. Designers create their new patterns following the fashion and their color usage adjusts to this also. However, the manufacturing companies still have wide range of wallpapers for the classic style lovers, the truly outstanding companies – in the case of a customer order – reproduce a product from their decades-old books with pleasure also.
Wallpaper can be used on walls or on the ceiling, all over the surface or creating a focal point, or even as decoration on furniture and doors also. It is practical to ask for a sample in the shop before purchasing, this way the effect can be seen in the light of our home. Since the samples are small, in the case of bigger patterns the final effect is upon our imagination. Further showy solutions can be reached by combining painting and wallpapering. Some high-quality manufacturers use their own paints for their wallpapers, this way no need to go from shop to shop with the samples, since the ordered colors will perfectly match.
Always buy the glue recommended by the manufacturer for the wallpaper and strictly follow the instruction manual when applying. If the job is done by a professional, all information should be given to him. The technique to be used depends on the material, thickness and pattern of the wallpaper. If the wall is uneven, it has to be plastered and grinded before wallpapering, only this can provide nice result.
The size of the wallpaper’s pattern is as determining as its color. The scale effects the total result. For example, too large pattern can be easily overwhelming in a small bedroom and can affect a more narrowing feeling, however a small and dense pattern can be lost in a spacious living room and it is enjoyable only at close.
It is also a much simpler process to choose wallpaper with a help of an interior designer, we can trust in his/her skills as to colors and patterns. With his/her 3D visualization we don’t have to rely on our imagination, how the chosen wallpaper will show in our home.