Classic from modern

When classic style lovers buy a completely renovated flat, they frequently have to face with the fact that the newly built-in materials (kitchen cabinet, lighting, tiles, doors and windows etc.) are totally modern. Since these were included in the price and probably, they didn’t choose a flat in such a condition randomly, only a few of them would undertake a full conversion just for the classic style. How could be this solved with a low budget and few works to meet our conception at the best?
Choosing the proper wall color means a lot for the sight, since one of the advantages of classic styles is that the desired mood can be easily created even with colors. Painting can be done before moving in and it is much cheaper and faster than wallpapering. Placing polystyrene crown molding is always worth. It not only heightens the room but it is an elegant solution also. Rosette fits perfectly for chandeliers. Faux wall panel frames made of polystyrene laths can be put on the walls which look good even in the same color as the wall. However, this material is very vulnerable, so be careful not to hit it.
Let’s glue a frame made of thin laths on the plain surfaces of the built-in wardrobes and kitchen cabinets, just like if they would be real framed. A prefabricated decor panel can be used for this purpose also. Both of them can be painted / burnished to the color of the furniture. Changing the handles is a really simple procedure and amends a lot.
If there is no possibility to change the lighting and the chandelier is modern, or there is a multi-light spot, don’t be frustrated. Glass beads similar to crystal chandeliers’ decoration can be purchased in several hobby shops – let’s make the garlands DIY and fix them with small metal rings to the lamps. Its modernity can be moderated with this and some glamour can be smuggled in.
If the doors have completely plain surfaces, they can be popped up in the similar way as the cabinets. In the case of a glassed variation, self-adhesive foil can be a solution to make it more classic, for example with a lace motif.
Most of the inappropriate floor can be covered with a fitting classic style carpet. The modern tile in the bathroom is a harder thing. If the color is good, we can distract the eye from it with classic style accessories (storage boxes, decorative glasses, pictures on the wall). If its color is too modern and it doesn’t fit for our concept at all, it can be painted also. However, it should be known, that this is not a long-term solution, it lasts approx 2-3 years (in the case of a proper implementation) and it could happen that the painting has to be renewed during this time.
Above the low budget was in focus, of course, more spectacular solutions can be done with a bigger amount. Many similar questions can come up in the case of a modern interior. Ask for help of an interior designer for the solution.


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