
One of the essential steps during building or renovation of a property is planning or changing the heating system. Frequently the circumstances are given, for example in the case of an apartment house which has to be adapted. Let’s see a short general review.
Underfloor heating is a popular solution. It is applicable with laminated floor or tiling. Its place has to be formed in the very beginning of the works. Advantages: invisible, releases heat on a large surface and energy saving. Disadvantages: continuous foot-warmth is not healthy for men and it heightens the allergy-inclination to dust.
Radiators are given in the case of house-central heating, gas furnace and central heating, especially in apartment houses. These are placed under the windows in Hungary which makes e.g. the curtaining difficult. Decorative radiator can be bought in classic style which fits well for the general aspect and its color can be chosen from a catalogue. The sight can be more unified with a custom-made radiator cover.
Convector heating can be found in old apartment houses. There is free flame in it, so it cannot be covered. Nowadays the convectors in shops are not only functional but decorative also. Replacing it with an ethanol or electric fireplace can be a solution. Since these are placed under the windows also, the curtaining in this case is a huge problem.
Tile stove is fashionable again, both the wood-burning and gas-burning types. It could be a very special decoration element of the room. It keeps heat for a long time. Disadvantages: it requires a lot of space and its direct surroundings cannot be furnished because of the heat.
Wall-heating is a rarely applied solution. Pipes are placed inside the walls, with warm water circulating in them. Disadvantages: the location of pipes has to be carefully measured before hanging pictures, shelves, mirrors etc.
Heating-cooling air conditioners are powered by electricity. The internal unit can be placed anywhere on the wall from where the outdoor unit can be available with a proper slope. Disadvantages: it’s not economical, dries the air and there is a continuous air-flow.
Of course, there are further solutions or the combinations of the mentioned ones. Ask for help of an interior designer in time for planning the heating.


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