Every December Pantone company announces the color of the next year which effects interior design also. Illuminating no. 13-0647 and Ultimate Gray no. 17-5104 are the colors of the year 2021.
The grey member of the pair is a perfect neutral hue. It can be found in nature, for example among colors of pebbles and rocks. It works perfectly as a background because it strenghtens every other color. As its name indicates, it gives a solid base.
The yellow member of the pair is a warm and strong color, which enlivens the space and brings happyness in everyday life. It looks especially stong near the grey, although it is not a too vivid hue.
Both colors are mid-dark tones which can be used in interior design very well. Complementing them with white, a more subdued effect can be reached. However, adding a little black to them can further enhance the lightening effect of yellow.
The combination of the two colors can be freely used for example in kitchen, home office, living room or even in kids room.
Ask for help of an interior designer for making the colors of the year 2021 appear in your home in style.