Archive | March 2022

Service rooms

The rarely used service rooms (e.g. laundry, pantry, toilet) should also be decoratively furnished, as they are equally part of our home, even if practicality is their main criteria


Formal garden

Formal garden looks very good in a small space also, thanks to its orderliness



Built-in cabinets and shelves are much more elegant than the freestanding variations



Vermilion (alias Chinese red) is a brilliant orage-red hue. It dominates the space, so use it very carefully in interior design. It is recommended as a color for accessories if you want to throw up space or creating a focal point is the target. It should be used on large surface in a room which we stay only a little, but not for sleeping (e.g. separate dining room). The pigment was made from mineral cinnabar (mercury sulfid) which is toxic, so it is now produced artificially.


Edible decoration 7.

Edible decorations for St. Patrick’s Day


Outdoor St. Patrick’s Day decor

DIY outdoor decoration ideas for St. Patrick’s Day


Shower curtain 2.

Shower curtains in a more elegant design



For scenting our home, let’s choose products made of natural ingredients or make aromatizers DIY


Furniture restoration

It’s a good thing to givean old piece of furniture a new life for by remodeling and/or repainting it. However, do not ruin valuable antique furniture with such a thing! These should be restored by an expert, or sold to someone who appreciates their present beauty.
