

Patina is formed on copper and bronze objects due to the weather, in a relatively long period of time. Its vibrant green color is bluish, named verdigris. In old times it was used as a pigment, so verdigris was produced on purpose by acetic acid on the surface of objects and then was scraped off.



Mirror is both a functional and a decorating object, so let’s choose the proper one carefully for our home – it can be a ready made piece from a store, a custom made from a framer or even an atique one.


Embroidered fabric

High quality embroidered fabrics never go out of fashion



Fuchsia was patented in 1859 as an aniline dye. It was renamed magenta later, so the two colors are the same. This is a vivid, middark, purplish red hue. Originally it was named after the flower and renamed after the place of a victorious battle in 1859. Since it is a stron and energizing color, let’s use it moderate in interior design, rather as a focal point or pop-color. It can be a good alternative instead of using red.


Book storage

Built-in bookcase, freestanding shelf or wall mounted shelves? No matter. The point is what stored on it – the books.


Variations 8.

Variations for a theme: astronomy


My project 31.

Three montages – three projects:
1. Renovation for a very kind lady
2. Nursery for a coming baby boy
3. Interconnecting rooms of a downtown apartment for rent


Easter table set

Create a pleasing Easter mood at the table by festive table settings


Instead of a vase

If there is no proper vase for flowers…


Antique in modern surroundings

Our antique furniture can be integrated well in a room furnished with modern furniture. The result may be surprising but has an elegant effect anyway.
