Spring cleaning

It’s time to spring cleaning. This tradition nowadays may seem to be a bit illogical, since we are not bound to seasons anymore in this field of housework, thanks to the modern household devices and heating systems. The relevance of this was much bigger in old times, firstly where the winter is cold and snowy.
The „heating season” lasted from late autumn to early spring which meant generally open spaced, wood burning fireplaces, so smoke, soot, dirt of logs and ash left long-lasting marks in homes. The floor, the walls, furniture, fabrics etc. all got dirty. In those times, people couldn’t afford to cool out their home during a winter cleaning, since heating the houses was an expensive and slow procedure (the poor even had no possibility for this). So, the first opportunity for a big cleaning was at the beginning of spring. Carpets were shaken out, curtains were washed, everything was thoroughly dusted, the house was ventilated, washed and re-freshened.
However, spring cleaning may have a wider meaning. This is an opportunity for re-freshening body and soul, making order in our home and in ourselves with the help of Feng Shui. The first step always should be the garbage. Throw off everything which is surplus, defective/broken, outgrown etc. including clothes, household and decorating objects and „will-be-good-for-something” piles also. The things, which are reparable, should be repaired, everything else which is still useful should be sold or donated. If something new is wanted to be attracted, we have to create the opportunity to have space for it in or lives and homes.
The second step is an accurate cleaning. Don’t skip any tiny nook. This helps the flow of positive energies. If it is finished, let’s wash ourselves also. If we feel the need of it, let’s make an additional space-cleaning with incense. It will be much better to spend time at the re-freshened home.
The third step is systematization. Surprisingly lots of space can be gained by grouping the rest of the objects, putting them in practical storages or just neatly packing them. The secret of keeping order is put everything back where it was taken from the same way. This requires much less time than making an order again in the evolved chaos.
Ask for help of an interior designer who skilled at this for systemization of your home and improving its energies.


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