
It might happen during furnishing a room that there is no space for big, hanging curtains with rods. Frequently it is not practical to use a large amount of fabrics to cover the windows because of the type of the room (e.g. kitchen, bathroom). In this case, let’s choose some kind of blinds. These are easy to handle, need less space and can be made of any kind of curtain fabrics.
Roman blind: The fabric tenses at the front of the window when it is lowered. While pulling up, the fabric stratifies horizontally by layers. It requires special mechanism. The struts are sewn in the fabric. It can be fixed both on the window frame and the side wall.
Austrian blind: This type needs much more fabrics than the others. The ruffle at the bottom remains even when it is lowered. It can be pulled up by the sewn cords and the fabric gathers in waves at the holding rod.
London blind: It is similar to Austrian blind but in this case there are only two pull-up cords in the fabric. When pulled up, the fabric swells between the two cords and slightly swags at its ends. Its appearance is more playful and less formal.
Roll-up blind: It can be sprung, bead chain and electric as to its moving. The fabric laps to the holding device when it is rolled up. It can be made of any fabric from voile to black-out. The fabric is completely plain when lowered, so it gives clear-out contour to the window.
Zebra blind: Its gist is the alternation of voile and darkening parts which results a striped effect. The amount of the incoming light can be controlled by the setting of the covering. Although, it is a quite modern solution, this type can be utilized in a classic interior also.
Ask for help of an interior designer for choosing the proper type of shading.


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