Thousand faces of classic style

The „classic style” terminology sometimes causes difficulties to the prospective customer, there is a situation when it directly deters him/her from using the service. This definition in public awareness is equal to beige-brown colors, huge and over-decorated furniture or heavy draperies. Classic style however has several faces and all of them can be complemented with any technical solution which provides the comfort of present times.
Historical styles definition means those trends which were specific to a certain historical era, not only in interior design but almost every aspects of life. They contain music, literature, fine arts, architecture, gardening design, fashion etc. They closely linked to each other, just like we can see in historical books. Following these, it’s not necessary to completely copy furnishing of for example a palace, for reaching the desired effect, since the scales probably are quite different now and then. It might be enough to pick two or three main features from the all and the other details should be shaped for these to get a harmonious general aspect. Some examples without limitation: ancient Roman, Renaissance, Baroque, Victorian.
Styles using special features of countries and lands can be also called classic. Commonly they evoke the chosen style with using antique objects, archaic shapes, typical colors and materials, which cannot be reflected by a modern/minimal interior (of course, there are such homes also everywhere). It’s the total effect what really matters. Some examples without limitation: Provencal, Moroccan, (any kind of) rural, seaside style.
Thematic styles, as I call, are interior design solutions which based on a theme. This can be a movie, a city or even a present popular trend. They have in common using classic tracing furniture, accessories and decoration objects, if it is possible, together with antique pieces. Colors help a lot in this case also to reach the goal. Some examples without limitation: shabby chic, steampunk, Paris, industrial style.
Modern classic style cannot be classified to the previously mentioned groups, but probably this is the most common. The bigger furniture, architectural details (mouldings, rosette, wall panel etc.), upholstery, floor coverings are all classic, but colors, accessories, decorating objects represent a more modern trend. These together make the effect sophisticated.
Don’t be afraid of the classic style term. Everybody can find the perfect one of them. Ask for help of an interior designer for implementing.


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